
Fuck this. I can deal with a dumb 17-year-old joining a German tank division at the end of 1944 if that's the price to pay for the Blechtrommel and Katz und Maus. Grass was obviously not proud of this (otherwise he would have said so earlier), and him being a hypocrite about it only makes him human.

Annie Hall was a big mess that was saved by amazing editing - which means it could have been even spottier. But compared to Sleeper, Love and Death and Bananas it was a huge leap for Woody Allen in terms of not just stringing together a bunch of jokes.

It can be one thing!

I like Roy.

You asked nicely so here it goes:
Yes. Yes, it is sarcasm.

You are getting old, pops.


All that stuff about killing prostitutes reminds me of how nobody gave a shit when Ultima VIII: Pagan came out in 1994 (a whole seven years before GTA III) and how you could murder children in that game. You could kill a bunch of children, put their bodies in a pile, and throw bombs at the pile so the bodies would fly

What a stupid, arbitrary rule that makes no fucking sense!
I can see why they would want the Quidditch boy to play in that movie now.

- All right, tell me, tell me about the songs. What kind of songs?
- Oh, no. No songs.
- No songs? So, what is it?
- What'd you do today?
- I got up and came to work.
- There's an album. That's an album.
- How is that an album?
- Well, uh, maybe something happens on the way to work.
- No, no, no. Nothing happens.
- Well, why

Hey, that old man could be listening to right-wing talk radio instead. Let him rock out to 99 Luftballons all he wants.
Denk' an dich und lass' ihn fliegen and all that…

That Hogan's Heroes ad sounds straight out of a Sean O'Neal newswire.

That's pretty funny, because most comments so far are gay jokes and Guybrush's post up there that agrees with you.
You must have written that comment in advance, thinking that everyone would be bitter and condescending.

How would you even kill yourself the second time?

Count One-Zero-Zero-Zero-Zero-Zero-Zero

It's an old lady, so it does look into the past.

I like the fake link. Who knows where you will end up if you click on it?

Stop trying to make "RFRC" happen, The Cow King!

Upvoted for "follow his shoes"

Don't burn bridges like that, mate. The middle finger thing is really funny, but it's just as funny in your head as it is actually doing it.
And "I will soon have a graduate degree so I won't ever have to work a shitty job again" are words I heard so many times before…