
That's nothing: you should hear her laugh when we talk about you.

But what's really amazing is that this is exactly what Homer said would

Adventure of Link had half of these things already; you can't put all the blame on LTTP. Compared to the original Zelda where you could go into Level 8 first if you felt like it, AoL is already very linear.

A Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China, but that's not important right now.

Chinese Chris Farley?

Did the Yo-Yo Man have yo-yos?

Give me the drugs, Lisa!

- Once, there was a robot named Todd.
- Did he have a brother robot?
- Yes, he had a brother robot named Rod, who was two space-years older than him!
- I don't like this story!

What about the incentive that things would be faster? Is that not good enough?

If the point of your biography is to say: "This person looked like this", then physical resemblance is extremely important.
See also: Jobs, Kutcher

Stay out of O'Neal's territory.

Consider yourself lucky: my attractive next-door neighbour signs me in at this guy every single time I look through her windows!

Ah-ha! The puzzler has become… the puzzled!

As of right now, the post with the most upvotes is THE (15), way ahead of ALPS (9) or TERROR LAKE (8).

The "Legend of Zelda" concept is actually explained in the Adventure of Link instruction booklet. There is a princess called Zelda who was put to sleep by an evil wizard years and years ago (she's the one that Link wakes up at the end of Zelda II). That's the legend right there. And then they explain that every

Have the Rolling Stones killed.

The correct reply was "chocolate microscopes".
You disgust me.

What about those guitars that are like, double guitars?

It is, but Huxley had to use a time machine and go back to the 1930s to get away with it.

It is confusing indeed; the way you wrote it makes it look like "Sideshow Bob Roberts" isn't the best one.