
This is one of my favourite jokes on the Simpsons. "Blink-and-you'll-miss-it" is a good way to describe it, but it also goes back to the idea that they are just ripping off Frasier.

"13 or so" meaning 13 when you started, and 14 or 15 when you were done? That sounds about right.

cool story bro

Fletch doesn't belong in that category.

Counter-point: Clockwork Orange.

Warsh. He warshes himself.

Aren't you afraid flying to Greece every time you want to meet her is going to get expensive in the long run?

Johnny was a Good Man.

The best part of that episode is Jerry seeing Elaine's boyfriend and the first question he asks is: "Is he from the future?"

Again with the oranges!

I logged in just to upvote you twice.
This is amazing.

A "garage"? Hey fellas, a "garage"!
Well, ooh la di da, Mr. French Man.

In fairness, anything between the first note of "Safe European Home" and the last note of "All the Young Punks" is going to sound bad.

Protex Blue isn't even on the U.S. album you worthless troll.

But a parsec is also a…
You know what? Nevermind.

What? Modern cartoons are actually full of references only grownups can understand! You ever watched anything by Dreamworks recently?
The difference, of course, is that old cartoons also had a joke.

This game would have been my favourite in the Zelda series if it hadn't been for those phones and photographs. I know Nintendo was trying to advertise one of their gimmicks at the time (some sort of camera I guess), but it really doesn't fit with the rest of the Zelda world.

The greatest Zelda game is… a secret to everybody.

If the deals are really in installments of four, then they CAN'T go for 40 years. 38 or 42 yes, but not 40.