Because it’s Kotaku.
Because it’s Kotaku.
This is scummy. ultra scummy. Asset flipper level scummy. This was the EXACT fear when this whole “EVERYTHING ALWAYS ONLINE DIGITAL ONLY” thing began.
Doctor Strange 2 was a bad movie? Congrats on being the only idiot in the room.
Good. Because here is the thing: I would buy this Day 1 if they committed to supporting PC. I have a PS5, I like it, but I don’t foresee using the VR headset on that enough to justify the cost, but an foveated rendering, eye-tracking lightweight, high-res headset that I could also plug in for PCVR? Easy purchase at…
the worst offender has to be Ghosts of Tsushima, which had the balls to charge $30 for an extremely minimal ps5 upgrade (it was already 1800p and 60fps on the console in ps4 form) because they tied it to DLC and offered no other option to upgrade.
I completely agree with your entire statement.
There shouldn’t be a need for a “Netflix controller”. There are plenty of adaptable PC and USB controllers out there that should be able to do the job.
Well, technically, you don’t need Facebook anymore, you need a Meta account. It’s not being tied to your real-world info at least, like it was when you were being forced to use a Facebook account! But either way, Meta makes a loss on each Quest 2 sold, so buying one and hacking it is a wise move if you want a good,…
PSVR was barely teetering on the knife’s edge for what is considered acceptable specs for a comfortable experience, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you found something like the Vive quite the improvement.
I’d also wager that you simply have had enough exposure that it doesn’t effect you anymore, though the low specs of the original PSVR probably didn’t help! While most people can play simple VR games were you can only move around using your actual legs, for games were you are moved around by the thumbsticks, your body…
The first PSVR had that feature where you can wear it and it displays a “big screen” TV in front of the wearer. I think you’re in a virtual room with a huge display. At least that’s what my buddy said about that gift for his son.
I feel like the PSVR2 just has to have been engineered to run all the older PSVR1 games with no input from the developers to have what it needs to succeed.
no Burnout either? I would actually consider going primium if it had the PS2 Burnout games. and Katamari games. maybe.
It’s what I usually do. Or I click the random button until I like the outcome.
Everytime someone starts whining about this, they never explain what those things that NFTs can actually be used for are, and how they’re better than existing methods.
I’m so sick of this person showing up on kotaku.
New Subscription Service differs in one big way. “Playstation exclusives will not be available upon launch.” There... saved you 39 seconds. :D I love how they also breeze over the fact that with XBOX Game Pass you also get Games With Gold which allows you to KEEP THOSE GAMES regardless of whether you keep your…
They are because they drown out meaning by reducing it to an average. Rather than selecting a group of reviews which reflect your personal interests and tastes you instead get a bland soup of cancelled out right and left wing, romance and action, dialog or big explosions favoured viewpoints. A review which judges a…
Agreed! :D We need Tricky HD! Even just an upscaled job on Switch would be perfect. Best snowboarding game ever.