P.J Maybe

Those legendary beasts are no joke. There was that mission where you and Hosea go off to try and get the legendary grizzly. I decide to keep looking after he gives me the choice to go back with him or stay after getting attacked by it.

I’m giving chase and the trail just stops. I’m like WTF.

From off-screen the

This, then, is the true mark of realism in RDR 2.

We have deer that roam through the development I live in. Every now and then, one of them (usually a buck, though I’ve seen it in does, too) will get a burr up their butt and decide they want to fuck with a pedestrian (we’re a walking community, so there are often

I also dont want to See Lego Overwatch Brickheadz. I however think Brickheadz are amazing. I just don’t want to have to buy them when I’ve already designed and built my own custom ones. Honestly I don’t think Lego could do it better without covering them in printed pieces either.

Lego has a standard they have for stability of models and certain building techniques.... a lot of the MOCs (fan-made stuff) do not follow these rules. It’s why something like Voltron was such a challenge for them - they had to deal with stability issues on something so tall and heavy that also separated into 5 parts.

Has anything happened in this woman’s life that she doesn’t have a highly dramatic story about?

It’s an improvement from the current R8, but the first gen was so sensuous that it has been more of a not-as-bad-as-before design exercise to me.

There’s a bonus system and sometimes shares.

Hey, understandable! When I was a Rockstar temp I was paid overtime by the hour (at an increased rate) and since being made permanent a few years ago I’ve been paid a yearly bonus. I’m a bit fuzzy on how exactly bonuses are calculated but they definitely take into account releases and sales performance, and I’ve never

A sense of pride and accomplishment.

think you meant Metropolis Street Racer the game the PGR team made on DC


“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”

I’ve been wanting a modern day revival of this game for years...heck, decades. I’ve spent way too much time playing it, every five or ten years.

I’m impressed that she got the blonde roots with the orange hair. That’s serious attention to detail and/or lots of freeze framing the movie.

That’s EXACTLY why I’m still not quite sold on this yet. I still think it’s cool and it’s not gonna be my primary gaming device by any means, I still want to collect it. But I think the games included will really define its worth for me.

I have a feeling they’ll sell analog controllers on the side. Maybe. Maybe not.

It is a bit expensive, if it was $75 or $80 I would get it, even though it’s not far off the actual price. The SNES classic was $80 I believe and I got that, although I’m a sucker for nostalgia, so I’m probably gonna end up caving in and buying this too.

I still have all my old PS1 stuff too (well, it’s in my parent’s basement anyway, haven’t had an urge to dig it out), but for me the appeal is more not having to deal with the clunkiness of the original (memory cards, cable adapters, running it upside-down), along with the hopes that these games will be somewhat

First, I’m pretty sure someone has already created a PS1 controller-to-USB adapter (I believe the new ones are USB made to look like the originals).