Why keep this low draw distance and fog, why? I tried to like this game but i couldnt stand all this fog everywhere, even inside a place we have this shit. Keeping it there and call a “remaster” is actually a huge scam.
Why keep this low draw distance and fog, why? I tried to like this game but i couldnt stand all this fog everywhere, even inside a place we have this shit. Keeping it there and call a “remaster” is actually a huge scam.
I like how they turned into full dumb and comedic on rots but sadly it was too late
Too lazy today. Wish i could work in this pic
Would this be unnecessary since in japan people still hunt whales? Its been some time since the last news about it but i think this would count. And maybe this is only about international stuff as i remember some beautiful (and weird) posters for the Pride events like this one
The world begs for brozan and john bronnick
The visible bullets for sure are just for the looks, they looked like pi2ces of corn. I wasn’t expecting the impacts to do something like a shmup but those slow bullets really distracted me from the whole thing. In all those years I thi k only the sniper rifle really works as a bullet going and going and doing the…
The game with the worst mechanic i ever played undoubtely was 007 agent under fire. When we shot we see the bullets going very slow to the enemies but with a machine gun not all bullets appear and one day while shooting quick bursts i saw the enemies and the wall being hit before the bullet getting there. And then i…
Its time they change the title to douchebags react. Only the elders and now the adults videos are worth watching. And i want to punch them for slamming the controllers on the table like that. Assholes.
Its almost literal. Somedays i try to play but its the call of duty loop of walk there > die > do it again > die again > take another way > die once again and on and on and on. Maybe bugs, maybe im not on a good day, who knows, but when the game works its always a blast
I knew aleins colonial marines was a mess but what the hell, got it for cheap and its quite fun. Some days its impossible to do anything but most of the time its ok and theres still people online
Suck it BB-8
No need to write this. Thanks to the first transformers (from michael bay) everyone knows combat planes dont have permission to fly on or under the same height of the buildings. Clearly James Cameron and Schwarzenegger didnt knew this while making True Lies (or maybe the rules where different)
Since the first game with vehicles i shot them with anything i have. Be it a pistol, rocks, sniper rifle, lightsaber, i do it. Judge me.
The only thing i didnt liked that much in the film was the redhead had the red in her head (¬¬) too perfect for a post-apocalyptic world and she got it just right
I dont know if the statue has any licencing issue but its a huge point. Its one of the 7 wonders from the modern world (or something like this) and is as iconic as anything you see in the stage. Mario is Missing got it, why not street fighter? Thats a bummer
I know the fans of this game are hardcore like the guys who build small cities with real trains and stuff but... this is extreme. And fans of the flight simulator series are on the same level and then i ask why lol and dota are the games everyone talk about
If Guillermo and Yehya do a lets play i may change my mind
I like to play as the monk with the janitor outfit and the giant broom