Can’t tell if agreeing with me or not... If yes, great example - you get it.
Can’t tell if agreeing with me or not... If yes, great example - you get it.
But... but... that is exactly the kind of analysis that analytics-oriented organizations do: play those small situational edges as much as possible. It’s why the Sox started Holt over Kinsler in game 3 and Kinsler over Holt in game 4, and so on. What do you think analytics is about? Just blindly looking at one stat…
but there is a point to be made that in small sample sizes, these same strategies aren’t necessarily the best.
The PDK is so good it hurts. It was a blow to the ego when I realized I shouldn’t even bother with the paddles unless I’m intentionally engine-braking on a cool-down lap - the machine knows what to do and when to do it better than I ever will.
While a lot of auto trends were based on performance mods taken to foolish extremes, this is purely aesthetic.
Transmissions with lots of gears seem well-suited to applications where you either want to keep the engine in a fairly narrow RPM range (e.g. a track car) or you need a broad low gear range to move heavy things from a dead stop (e.g. an 18 wheeler). This seems like... neither of those things?
Well would you look at that... I ran into this car’s sibling hanging out in a garage in Connecticut just a few days ago: