Steve Pederzani

It is awesome to see how the boundaries of theatre can be stretched, and how these kind of things can be brought to life in videogames. This is amazing.

Can I just say how awesome this is. How does one go about procuring and invite? I need to create a character in Diabolos to attend. I cannot miss this for the life of me. I am a huge FFIX fan and the IWTBYC play in the game is by far one of my favorite moments in video game history.

I was a part of a group that did something tangentially similar back in Vanilla Guild Wars 1. We figured out that you could sync up your dance emote with other players who were dancing. So a bunch of us started a guild called ‘The Flying Feet’ and would travel around the world and dance in the cities. It was no

Best game and nicest community you can find.

“Tis foolishness! If all were so easy, why, none would suffer in this world!”