Pedantic Douchebag

Misfits is a superhero show the same way that The Wire is a cop show, I suppose.

I'm pretty staunchly in the "eh, it's okay" camp for this show, but…this episode quite literally gave me a headache. Mainly from trying to stop myself from asking logical questions about why Caroline wouldn't have previously noticed the GIANT PILE OF EMPTY CAKE MIX BOXES, or the fact that Max uses coupons when buying

Yep. I was kind of making my comment in reference to the mention of Red in the HEY WAIT A MINUTE.

Sweet talker.

Yep. I was kind of making my comment in reference to the mention of Red in the article above.

Shit, I'd pay at least $5 for a movie titled "Helen Mirren Fires Heavy Weaponry Whilst Nude".

Phil's crib joke was worse than this episode. Pathetic. And it's Wes Studi, no "h". Is the AV Club hiring copy editors?

A Jew who enjoys blackface, you say?

Yep. It's weird to me that the commercials for Chris Lilley's shows remind me of those skits presented at schools trying to raise awareness about bigotry. There might be something there…

This show seems like a pretty reliable racism test. "Do you think blackface and negative stereotypes are funny? Yes? Why don't you take a seat over there."

…says the person still responding. Want some coffee with your irony, sweetie?

My favorite part of the Nerdist special was when Jonah Ray implied that we all have a shot with Adele. Ah, nerds burning fatties. In your dreams, you metahipster moron.

I was so hoping they'd ask Elvis Costello to do the soundtrack.

You're trying too hard; Woo Woo; but then, that's probably because you have no life. Relax. It's just the fuckin' internet. Stop wasting your time responding to old posts, especially if you're just going to make the exact same boring, context free point already made by some other mouth breather. Is that all your time

To be fair, Woo, you seem like an expert on "contrived and annoying".

"Nadiriffic" should TOTALLY be a word.

I hope we don't share the same fantasy. The terrorist in mine is hung like a Ken doll (how do I know? ugh. don't ask, Swedish cops are fuckin' weird…), and his wife looks and sounds like Harvey Fierstein.

I have this recurring fantasy where I'm Robyn's bodyguard, and I save her from terrorists, and she falls in love with me. Judge away.
