Pedantic Douchebag

Agreed. Lest we forget, one of the most dangerous powers of all was revealed to be control over lactose. Whiz bang powers are kinda boring.

Without getting spoilery, something to consider: this show seems to favor free will over fate. Have hope.

I could only find two episodes…there are two SEASONS? Argh.

head explodes

The agent pushed Brody from behind, his hands on Brody's back; the vest is constructed of a thick base of ball bearings. several pounds worth. It wouldn't feel normal. Even in "get your principal to safety" mode, a protective agent (especially one as highly trained as a Secret Service Protective Detail agent) is

If only I could decipher your nonsensical, grammatically poor writing, so I could respond in kind. Ah, well.

You lost me at "Y".

I feel like I'm a pretty persnickety TV watcher. And I have some minor issues with the way this show has handled things, story-wise, versus how they would happen in the real world. I have to remind myself that this isn't a documentary, and yes, US Marshals would have transported the prisoner back from Mexico, not

That's how I rate SNL, I start at A+, and remove a letter grade for every sketch I fast forward through.

It was weird enough when the actors got married in real life; now the writers are planning to creep us out COMPLETELY by hooking them up on the show? I know, the characters aren't biologically related, but COME ON!

That's Joe Namath. Please try again.

I think it might take longer to read this doctoral dissertation review than it does to actually watch the show.

Charles Barkley is hosting? Was Joe Montana busy?

Her reaction to the play is my reaction to 97% of what she does on SNL.

Also, they hate the GAYS!


Oh, go suck a dead goat's penis, stalker.

Just so we're clear, "wrong" and "holds an opinion different than my own" are not the same thing. Perhaps your standards for a "gut-punch" are lower than my own.

I detest poor pedantry. "Bude" Light? Really?

Carolla's recent rant about the Occupy movement sounded like Glenn Beck with less historical perspective…so, there's that.