Pedantic Douchebag

::mumbles something about 90210 being more like "Degrassi in Beverly Hills, but less interesting", sighs, yells at some kids near his yard::

True Story: I once bought a lovely scarf for my grandmother from a sidewalk vendor near a student riot in Lyon.


Are you saying that she was lip-synching to her own pre-recorded backing vocals, of her own voice, while simultaneously singing live? She's amazing!

Ah, doy. That's the ticket. Thanks!

What the heck was that guy in the snap brim hat in the diner talking about, fucking some insurance ladies? Is he a gigolo?

What a Wookiee!

Oh, good. More bad movie time travel physics. THE GRANDFATHER PARADOX. Gah.

carson: You're wrong, and not just for making such a sweeping, unprovable statement. But do keep trying, yes?



I dunno who you can have two pop singers on the same episode, and NOT do Deep House Dish. Maybe because without Rachel Dratch, Kenan is lost in that sketch.

At a certain level, it's true. Robin Williams and the like.


Yes? And?

Louis is my favorite Mexican-American comedian (google it).

Louis does a new hour once a year, and rarely repeats his old material; most comedians doing more than an hour are doing about twenty minutes of new material, then "greatest hits" filler for the rest. Louis is also the sole writer of his material, unlike most comedians at his level.

I got the feeling that, like his Crossfire appearance, that assault was because he personally found the nature of egotism involved distasteful. If, while watching the recent Bono interview, you were unaware of any prior context, you'd think Stewart was interviewing a man who had cured AIDS by selling red iPods.

…in character.