Pedantic Douchebag

I am certainly not predisposed to hating modern dumb-fun action flicks; in fact, I watched the 1982 original to cleanse my palette after wasting my time with this one.

Is there a non-religion based version of Poe's Law that could be applied here?

I can only assume you a) watched a different film than I endured, or, b) watched the film whilst pumped full of ketamine and ecstasy.

Gosh, you mean their "charge hipsters for horsie rides" scheme didn't take off? Aw.

They had me at "a parody of The Office, as directed by Werner Herzog".

That's silly. You are a silly person. I like that.

The "fat white guy" is a sketch troupe casting standard born of John Belushi and Chris Farley. The only things Jay and Kenan have in common is that a) they're both black, and b) they're both stuck playing black females because Lorne Michaels seems blissfully unaware that any funny black females exist, save for Maya

Ah, mon petit frommage.

I got the impression that he's still mispronouncing it, because it's been too long, and convincing his family was too much of a hassle.

And Casey Wilson! SNL's loss is Happy Ending's gain.

I agree with him shining on CBB, which baffles me. He must not have friends in the SNL writers room, or play politics. Chris Farley was everyone's best friend and drinking buddy, so he got good material written for him.

When humans are discussing the relative merits of something, it is often helpful to compare that something to similar somethings. For example, if Bobby was a fastball/strikeout pitcher, I would have compared him to Nolan Ryan and Randy Johnson.

I read an interview where he said it took going to Sicily to find out he'd been mispronouncing his own last name his whole life.

So…water pistols at midnight?

He's great, if you're a fan of the "big eyes and LOUD NOISES!" school of comedy. I am not. If you look at the fat dudes who have been on the show, he's at the low end of the evolutionary scale, behind Horatio Sanz.

I laughed at "The Snuggler", but mainly for Zach. That's about it.

True. My memory of the first one is muddied by the awful second one. Either way, it's not a strong comparison to make, much like someone in this week's Dexter thread playing the Psycho card.

This was a pretty solid A- for me; and keep in mind, my average grade is C-.

Too obvious? Not his mother? Religious murders, not randoms? That's all I got.

Gah. NPFuckinR. If this really was a "twist" for a professional tv critic/writer, might I recommend that said writer look into a career change? Perhaps welding, or politics.