
My grandmother was a seamstress and she often said that as a guest you never wear white, black or red to a wedding. Not white for obvious reasons, not black because black is for funerals and not red because it draws too much attention on someone else’s day. It’s sound advice and I have followed it.

Alternate timelines

Thank you for sharing this. I definitely feel like I’m back (almost at least). It sounds like you both have found a great partner through life.  

I have to admit, I’m a little jealous of people who can move this fast. I usually need at least 3-5 business days before I’m comfortable enough with my own life choices, let alone someone else’s.

Good for you guys, I hope you have lots of joy and years together.

This is why I like Serena. She thinks she’s a benevolent hostess dispensing charity to a mischievous snake, and has a mini breakdown every time she is reminded of her own cruelty or the extreme subjugation that she bears some responsibility for bringing about. It’s a great and tortuous position for a character to be

So glad you reached out. I didn’t know who was going to eat this extra dick that I have. Sending it right over


I’m from Mass too. Let’s be real, flowering cactus, we’re all pretty terrible.

Johnathan is a national treasure and must be protected at all costs! I actually really loved this “reboot.” It’s kind and fun and the perfect thing to watch after a long day.

You had a good go at it. Thanks for your input.

Same — I lived at S. 3rd & Bedford in the late 00's and biked south through that neighborhood using the infamous bike lane every day to get to work in DUMBO. Hasidic guys in Honda Odysseys or Toyota Siennas regularly opened their car doors right in front of me on an almost daily basis. There was no doubt whatsoever

2nd all of this, with the added exception of extreme allergy cases, like my family. However, we still found a purebred, hypoallergenic dog at the shelter and adopted her, but it was years of us waiting for the right dog to show up at the shelter before we got one. Patients goes a long way to getting the right pet for

Reputable breeder is an oxymoron anyway. A dog dies every 8 seconds in the US alone, probably every 1 second in South America and other countries, for lack of homes.

Your answer probably depends largely on whether or not you believe in buying dogs from reputable breeders or adopting.

I’ll start the flame war. I am viciously against breeding, as the owner of a purebred cat.

adopt a dog. shelters with little funding and poorly paid staff are overflowing with amazing dogs.

This is the part where you say something crazy like “I make candy corn sandwiches using Necco wafers as bread”

but....Dwight shot a gun in the office...