Could they just stop Android Auto trying to open my Pandora every single time I connect, even if it’s turned off on my phone and the car is set to FM? Or am I just a moron?
Could they just stop Android Auto trying to open my Pandora every single time I connect, even if it’s turned off on my phone and the car is set to FM? Or am I just a moron?
I’m pretty sure you’re just an ozone generator salesman, but I’m still considering buying one.
Whoever is whitest will win that argument for sure.
I dunno, he’s certainly in the running, but I think Boebert and Greene are giving him a run for his money.
There’s definitely some dissolved dirt and stuff in the oceans and lakes. It’s close enough.
The Z4 is on my list of “I’m gonna buy one to take the wife on dates and road trips once the kids get older”. Also included are some sort of Porsche Boxster or 911, an S2000, or maybe an Alfa Romeo if they ever make a new roadster (I want to drive, not wrench on a 1985 Spider, although I love them dearly and have…
The only cop I know of in my family killed himself in a parking lot after they found out he was embezzling. Sooo....
Anything that can fuck you up for life in the blink of an eye deserves respect.
This would be hilarious. Imagine the clips they could generate.
Sometimes I feel bad for all the really, really great gymnasts who had the misfortune of being approximately the same age as the GOAT. They’re all playing for 2nd place and they must know it.
That’s not a boat. That’s a floating engine.
Must’ve remembered wrong, it was clinchers, Conti Supersonics. I was probably pushing the envelope on the tire recommended pressure, but that’s fine on the track since you’re not gonna hit a pothole. Might’ve been 155 or something, they list it at 150.
I blew a latex tube in a track bike tire (at the velodrome, natch) at like 165psi or something (you run high pressures at the velodrome because it’s smooth enough to be faster).
With no working bilge system I’m extremely surprised it hasn’t sank already. They must have some sort of temporary pumps set up, no way a ship that size doesn’t take on some amount of water just in a normal day.
Yeah, when we bought our Odyssey Elite, there just aren’t that many options. Exterior color, interior color, package. That’s basically it. You don’t really have any options within the package, it just is what it is, except for rear entertainment can be added to some packages, but it’s really just a half package sort…
Yeah, removal they’re in the realm of 2000 ft-lbs (they just say “over 3000 NM”). Good luck just hitting that with a hammer.
Yeah, that’s what the actual people who know something on Twitter were pointing out. Like, yeah, she had a big hop because she over-rotated a bunch because she’s just so damn powerful. She can maybe do a triple. She’s definitely the GOAT.
Nitrogen isn’t necessarily a scam, it’s just not required. The changing pressure with temperature isn’t a huge deal, but it does leak significantly slower. The tires on our new Odyssey which came with Nitrogen from the dealer, have the exact same pressure a year later, I haven’t had to touch them at all.
Yep. When I was commuting, or driving to a job site I’d been to before or something, I’d usually default to Waze.
Basically everyone is bad at RL, it’s a hard game that exposes your weaknesses constantly, I think that’s why I like it so much. The idea is simple, the HUD is uncluttered, there isn’t much to memorize or learn which guns are best or how the map is laid out or whatever, it’s just you and the car and the ball. But it’s…