
We should call it “Chamaco” ... “Hay, chamaco este...”

It was my first lesson that the movie doesn’t always follow the book, so I was a bitterly disgruntled young child when I watched it.

I though the article built to it. Everything that came before was context for this reveal - including the headline. This was more of an analyst piece that a strict news article, so it didn’t use the inverted pyramid structure. Maybe you think the article should have been structured differently, that’s legitimate, but

I disagree - the article was reporting on the condemnation of the booing, which was useful to me because I hadn’t heard of the incident. Maybe to a sports fan it was a pointless rehashing.

Haisley did mention this in the article:

Charlie Jane Anders tweeted that io9 will still exist as part of Gizmodo...

If that happens that would supersuck. This is my go-to site. It has the eclectic articles I enjoy reading and the comment section is pretty devoid of exploding cesspits.

10 months ago she wrote “the sites will also retain separate identities” - the memo didn’t refute that, but it didn’t reiterate it either. It seems Gawker is focused on 7 main sites, but from the memo I’m unclear whether they’re going to maintain these others.

Oh...I want an AU where Superman lands in Guatemala or something...

It never occurred to me that Slimer wouldn’t be in the movie.

Are those decades really the best division of ages? Just from my life experience, I think 25-35, 35-45 etc might be better. Maybe it’s just me.

An important part of this piece is the information that a lot of times rage is about something that happened in the past. When I came to the realisation that the reason I would fly into a rage over relatively minor things was because they reminded me of being bullied as a child the rage just ... went away. It’s not

I’ve gotten out of hitting things in anger, except when that anger is due to pain. Which leads to a ridiculous cycle: I kick my toes against the couch, get angry, punch the wall, hurt my hand, get angry...

When this first came out I thought the idea was ridiculous - the torpedo does a lot of damage, but it doesn’t affect another country’s military capability. It’s just a scorched-earth weapon.

If they want to get a definition I would imagine something along the lines of “does not contain substances manufactured by processes other than living organisms”.
Of course, then someone can engineer yeast to produce whatever they want...

Exactly. The last place you want to see the “organic” label is on a packet of salt.

I was under the impression that those rivers still flow, just deep beneath the sand. I’m also pretty sure water does flow in at least some rivers of the Sahara during the wet season. (Going by Morocco, which I’ll concede is right on the edge).

I went straight to Plato as well. As far as I understand this is also quite similar to Catholic theology.

This approaches the sort of thing I’m interested in.