
What are the odds that third party developers are going to keep supporting it? It sounds really cool. It is making my once certain decision to get an Xbox slightly less certain. But man, I just can’t see developers putting much work into a feature that is just on one platform. 

You know I can multitask right? 🤣

The bumper on my Elite Controller 1 was messed up. I called MS and they replaced it (even though my warranty expired).

My rubber started to come off, but I got some superglue in the gap, clamped it, and now there’s just the tiniest bulge.  Otherwise, I am 100% onboard with the premise of the article; it’s the best controller I’ve ever used.  

My wife got me the Elite 2 for Christmas last year, and every since I started using it, other controllers feel like cheap garbage in comparison... with one exception. The new Series X controller feels about as premium as can be for a standard controller. The textures and slightly more compact size go a much longer way

From the very very bottom of my heart: fuck you twitch.

Y’know...sometimes I think about streaming or doing a podcast or something, because lord knows there aren’t enough straight white dudes with hot takes in that arena...then I see shit like this (and almost every other move Twitch has made) and think “Y’know what, nah, fuck that”.

I was even able to got my son to play through it, and he loved it. He would have been 3 when that game originally came out, so I’m keeping the love for it going!

PS3 sees less and less use every year, but there’s still plenty of games I love that I replay on it. This past year I replayed the PS3 Ratchet & Clank games, Eternal Sonata and FF13. (And Mass Effect 1, and part of 2.)

And yet your cunning ass stepped right into the beartrap.

Xbox's commitment to backwards compatibility is absolutely commendable, and the work they do for One X enhancements and now Series X/S enhancements is nothing short of incredible. Especially when almost always this stuff comes with zero original developer input

You know what I’d buy in a goddamned heartbeat? A giant PS5 SKU with the guts of every Playstation inside. I wouldn’t care if the damn thing was $899.99. I wouldn’t even care if its aesthetics were designed by the same time traveler stuck in 2010's Chinese bargain bin that designed the regular PS5. If Sony made it

If the name of the system will prevent you from buying or enjoying it, you seem to have a lot of problems that are non-gaming related.
The playstation naming scheme ist for people for which it is a problem to do anything else but count simple numbers.
MS actually did something kinda clever with the X box One X - X-B-O-X.


It can't be, because I actually understand why this game is fun and enjoyable 

Yes.  12%.

It speaks volumes just how different a gamer’s needs in a keyboard and an office worker’s needs in a keyboard are.

The amount of sad men in the world never ceases to amaze me. Good for her.

Then I’d have to create a bootleg porn version of your bottleg porn parody -- Paladicks