
Number four, over and over. You know why this is an issue in the US? Because fucking Pete Rose keeps bringing it up. Until he started bitching and moaning, no one really gave it much thought. But he’s a Major League asshole who wants the HOF committee to remember who has the most hits in MLB history and let his

I think we’re acknowledging the facts:

Is his son still getting a heavy penalty for marijuana possession? Maybe he’s just kissing some ass lol

Every time I see that I’m confused as to why you see the guy’s body on the right before the gif resets.

Laymen’s terms. And what Toran said.

well this is Dragon Ball, they could come up with literally any explanation and there’s no reason it wouldn’t make sense.

it’s not a brain dead stare, it’s hyper focus, braindead stares usually look vacant and hollow, devoid of any life or interest, these are eyes that are too busy focussing on screen and the brain is firing away to solve the ingame ‘problems’ he cannot be arsed to obeserve his surrounding.

Another stupid gimmick. As far as stupid gimmicks go this may be the best fucking one yet.

Well, at times his game drags.

Snoop plays a great meat shield. He loves to take hits.

Yet, the same PC Master Race complain that consoles don’t evolve and their tech is too old. You can’t win.

Yup. If Sony is going to announce it, you can be damn sure MS will follow suite.

You missed it.

40% smaller? But that removes the benefit of the original in that you can easily use it to kill someone if they break into your house.

Boy, that sure sounds like a fun thing to buy right before they announce the more powerful Xbox One later this year.

Why would you want the consoles to die? I never understand why people would want a platform to fail when it does a lot for the gaming industry. I am a PlayStation fan, but I hope the XBone, the NX, and the PC market does well. When they do well, the PS brand will do well too.

Well i guess the cafes running only Brood War from the 90s are just fine with the former specs...

When will people realize just because they made the game doesnt mean they’re necessarily good at it? They have lives and jobs (actually making the games), hardcore gamers don’t and are the ones that have the time to dedicate themselves to getting better at it.

I probably should feel dirty for taking advantage of errors like these, but I feel nothing but joy. I got Metro Last Light after missing an Nvidia promotion by a single day, so fuck ‘em.

*As long as you have a Xbox One