
People who think this is too expensive or whatever other reason for not buying it really haven’t experienced a controller with paddles or don’t realize how expensive the alternatives are out there.

What if you have the DLC on PS4 but only the base game when they gave it free back in November? I don’t know how I could have gear on PC from DLC I don’t have. Hmmm

Wait, is that a removal USB cord? Has Razer finally learned? I love their stuff but I just wish they had removable cables!

Jim Carrey is recycling Ace Ventura and it’s atrocious. My childhood memories of Ace Ventura are scarred after seeing this trailer.

GG to this test! nice to see games in a positive spotlight in the media (or at least have a story if the mass media wants to hear about it).

I remember the hotcakes!

I remember them and came to make the same comment. Wish I still had them. McD toys used to be so awesome back in the day.

Tetris 99 not on the list? Wut?

All I care about is will I get this free on PC since I bought it digitally on Xbox all those years ago when it released...

Wondering the same! Bought it digitally back when it released. I reached out on Twitter asking, fingers crossed.

I never understood why some people (mainly white) want to touch someone’s hair. I don’t care how different someone might look for me, but “ooh I wonder what their hair feels like” is never a thought that crosses my mind. I will never understand why people do this.

not gonna lie, last night I was playing and thought “it sure is easy to kill Pathfinders” interesting

I hate the gun but man I saw Daequan upload a video where he just double Mozambiques it up and destroys. But he’s not your average gamer so... trash for the rest of us 90-98%?

Spyhunter - only made it to the second level a handful of times.

saw this old post, wondering if you are getting the sombra one that is coming out lol

equally bad


Luke Cage s1 was better than Iron Fist s1, but I mostly agree with this list. Daredevil is the best hands down as a series and overall I might agree and put those seasons ahead of everything else in the Netflix MCU. Jessica Jones s2 is horrible and I’m just trying to get through it. Season 1 was so good so I don’t

No thumbsticks and the choice of games was my reason for the pass. I never had a PS1, but I did have a PS2. And I wasn’t thrilled about the PS1's game list so it was an easy pass for me.

On a different note, one of my biggest annoyances at the game is how when I fast travel back to camp, many times I immediately start getting attacked by mongrels or some other wildlife. Almost every time I fast travel to camp I know there will be a fight. I get that it’s out in the wilderness, and that’s what making