
Is Epic going to sue Bluehole for copying them with a similar exploit that Fortnite has dealt with at least twice in the past? xD

It just seems easier to carry around than a monitor - don’t have to worry about it breaking as easy since it will sit up and balance itself easier when in transit in a car. I wouldn’t even need it to project an image that large - this would be awesome to pair with my Switch.

It just seems easier to carry around than a monitor - don’t have to worry about it breaking as easy since it will

And 7 years later...

Yeah, I remember when they branded it as Mixer. I’ll just stick to Twitch.

Just now seeing the reply! My bad! Do you get in trouble for streaming PS4 games if you’re using a capture card and OBS?

Other than Chromecast it will pretty much play anything via HDMI though? What if you plug a laptop in, I’m assuming that would work?

Other than Chromecast it will pretty much play anything via HDMI though? What if you plug a laptop in, I’m assuming

Season 3 has been amazing, but the game seems to love to crash, especially when I’m doing well. Also, about 11 wins haven’t counted for me. :*(

So if xQc said, “eat shit” he wouldn’t have been suspended?

the tiniest touch, but yes, at least it’s not 100% assholes out there!

I wish I could find a sub 30" 4K monitor for under $200.

I wish I could find a sub 30" 4K monitor for under $200.

Thanks! I follow Seagull but I find him to be a bit boring in his everything but gameplay part of his stream. When I have an active chat I’m usually a bit more entertaining. When I’m playing Overwatch I mostly play comp so I’m trying to communicate with the team instead of entertain stream when I’m alive.

That reminds me, I should probably untag “chill streamers” and put the rage one back on.

Just because someone uses a Pepe the Frog image doesn’t automatically mean it has racist intentions. The creator of Pepe doesn’t like that it’s associated with racist stuff (which is apparent in the linked article) and unless the poster of Pepe has a racist saying next to or an alt-right phrase, I don’t know why it

Go to my twitch account and look at my clips and tell me if I’m a shitty viewer or what I could do better! Construction criticism is wanted! :)

I’m getting tired of these bots that show up and at first I think they might be a new viewer but then I see them in EVERYONE’S stream that I know so it’s just some random bot that’s crawling for data.

And if there is one on both teams, the other team’s Widow is always better than your Widow!

OW player here (mainly consoles) - I really hate how pros make Widowmaker a more popular pick these days. I keep getting trash Widows - it’s as if my “law of Hanzos” is now to include Widowmaker - being that if there are two Hanzos/Widows, the one on the opposing team is always better than yours.

Progress for me is climbing SR and checking to see how good (or bad) I’m doing overall and with certain heroes lol

There is no progression or sense of adventure. Or we can’t take our time with things and advance calmly.

Wolfenstein 3D is the last shooter you’ve played? Yeah, Overwatch is nothing like that... I enjoy it so much because the team synergy is so important. But at the same time I hate it because of that very reason (when people choose poor heroes for the map/game mode or don’t communicate at all).