
That poor boy and family. I can’t even begin to fathom what’s going through his mind right now. If they ever find out who did this I hope the citizens just fucking turn up and beat the living shit out of these bastards. Just kill em right there and tear them apart with their bare hands.

This idea is much better than their, “hey, we’re cool too” marketing strategy they’ve been doing to be like Arby’s. I’m almost embarrassed for JIB every time I see some gaming related artwork and then ONION RINGS or CHURROS just written on top. SOOOOO incredibly stupid.

lmao sure

Friendship? Did Mario get friendzoned?

While you raise a good point about maybe someone did raise a hand... the mere fact that my, albeit small, sample size of people that have talked about this issue have all agreed, not the majority, all 100% have agreed, that it doesn’t make sense. So if someone did raise a hand and they axed the idea, incompetence. If

“I knew that man was very unstable. I knew he had a very, very dark side. I didn’t know it was this dark.”

Tom Brady just wanted him signed because he didn’t want to get sacked by him again.

PTR isn’t needed for a problem so glaring and obvious? Lolwut?

I have yet to get PUBG on the PC and I sure as hell ain’t getting it on the Xbox One unless they somehow miraculously make it run smoother on console. I’m not good at keyboard/mouse but if I really feel like playing PUBG, I’ll get it on PC. I’m mentioning this because I do play Fortnite and while they are different in

Everyone who says this I ask them if they watch college or professional sports and almost every says yes... and then I ask them if they’re in a weekly league that plays said sport and most of them say no. So, it’s kinda the same thing, to me the biggest difference is streamers get paid by viewers versus athletes get

Dude, just hand em to me. You’ll be helping an addict out.

omg are you trolling me or just that dense?

Agreed, this is what I thought. They’re hugging their penises/penii

So happy with my Rockets right now. Other than last year it’s been a looong time since we were relevant in/for the postseason. But the season is still young.

Yes, yes you are.

There should be more roasting of Jared Kusher. I mean seriously, other than being tall, he doesn’t appear to have any positive attributes. Unless he’s packin’, I don’t see the appeal - she’s already from a rich family so...

PTR isn’t needed for a problem so glaring and obvious. And no, console does not have a PTR. This issue is an issue to every single player on console I’ve discussed this with. These nerds at Blizzard don’t have the common sense to think either swap the controls or change her character model like you said.

Yes, this is a PC game first and foremost. But any type of excuses for the UI to not flow better is ridiculous. Blizzard Activision is one of the largest gaming companies in the world. There are ZERO excuses for a “PC first” game to not have its console version not seem... retarded.

While I understand where you’re coming from... it doesn’t matter. A console is not PC, a PC is not console. But Blizzard is a software maker and they could, you know, do their job and just make it work on all platforms without anything being “backwards.” I’m not here to argue which way Blizzard should do it - they

Holdo already knew that he was a hothead. She should have suspected he might pull some bullshit and brought him in the circle to prevent said bullshit.