
lmao that foot/arm nub

lol sounds about right

Yeah, I stopped reading his letter halfway through because I thought, “I don’t give a shit what his ‘problem’ is because he sounds like a fucking tool douchebag.”

At least they’re letting your rank in Season 1 carry over to Season 2. Unlike Overwatch which makes me play 10 placement matches and just gives me about the same SR I was in the previous season.

My friend is a Roadhog main and she has said many times she loves it when it’s Tracer or Genji that gets hooked and one-shot killed. So she would agree with this post.

So far my favorite DVa moment is getting a 4 kill ult on defense on King’s Row before the second checkpoint. Two minutes later we’re still holding and I do another 4 kill ult in OT and win the game.

Are these all cities that offer direct, non-stop flights to Japan? I know Dallas can go straight to Seoul, SK and since you fly over Japan to get there I would assume there is a direct flight available to Japan from DFW.

Apparently he likes to eat his steaks well done. Had he been poor all his life, I’d give him a pass. But he hasn’t been poor all his life. Anyone who has ever eaten a good steak can tell you rare, medium rare, or maybe even just medium, is the right way to eat your steak.

Is it just me or does the queen look more Pinoy than Korean?

Yeah, the Puyo part.

WTF? I thought this was funny. It’s entertaining. And apparently it helps him play better in some form or another. Guess his sponsor doesn’t want him to win.

you mean to-may-toes

Anyone feel that their S8+ (or S8) battery life has gotten shitty the past 2 months or so? Like maybe the second to last update messed it up? My battery used to be rock solid, now it gets drained below 40% by lunch time.

Have there been any of these for mic stands lately? Deals that is.

Have there been any of these for mic stands lately? Deals that is.

Twin of Ben/Kylo, that seems like the most practical theory so far.

Is it just me or was there something off with Thano’s CGI? Is it because he is without the headpiece? The color/shade of his skin? I feel like he looked more “realistic” in the other bits we’ve seen him in throughout the MCU.

They’re just pissed some nerd can probably school them in Madden.


Do you pronounce Xbonex as bone-x or bon-ex?