
Instead, the FCC would simply require Internet service providers to be transparent about their practices so that consumers can buy the service plan that’s best for them and entrepreneurs and other small businesses can have the technical information they need to innovate.

I think there are plenty of child molesters on either side of the aisle, tbh. Something that is truly sad and disconcerting.

Yep, the other day (I’m in Tyler, TX) at Best Buy I noticed there were at least half a dozen consoles on the shelves. I’m just glad I was able to snag one on day one. I do have the boring gray joycons, though...

And while the fey intellectual is enjoying a dubious rise in the sexual-commodities market, when push comes to push harder

What a twat. He’s also probably 5'2", 85 pounds, and therefore definitely not big.

Nice, thanks for the info!

Why they can’t say they’re a cultured person and like food, music, etc of other cultures is beyond me... It sounds more intelligent and not something you can easily scoff at.

Maybe use your own logic? You don’t like how people “care” about your opinion on video games, as well as the games that are up for GOTY, yet you are sitting here disagreeing with what others view as GOTY contenders. lol

to be fair, his name does say, “(assume sarcasm)“ at the end

Are these matches all at one location? Or will there actually be local venues so there can be a “home-field” advantage? I’m guessing all at one location since the times seem to be right after each match, unless it’s just for broadcast reasons. Also, I’m guessing they will air these on the PlayOverwatch Twitch channel?

if by a ton you mean a half dozen or so, then, yeah.

Bought it, haven’t heard of most of the games but it’s for a good cause, plus I have been wanting to check out Stardew Valley.

Bought it, haven’t heard of most of the games but it’s for a good cause, plus I have been wanting to check out


I came here to say the same thing. On consoles you have to come up with a creative ass name that no one else has, so it’s unique to the player.

tell him to pay for his own lootboxes from now on! (35 year old here, glad people older than me love playing OW!)

INTERNETHULK? Man I remember that name from the OW World Cup last year!

those people must have forgotten Trump’s famous “grab them by the pussy” line

At this rate, they’re not gonna have anyone to make any movies or shows with. Fuck, everyone’s a dickhead apparently.

So glad I canceled my preorder of this game.

Isn’t 8 hours of work per day standard for full time? I mean, that’s what I do. But congrats to this guy, not gonna lie, wish I could quit working and stream full time myself! But I would need at least 2000 subscribers plus donations/tips to even be comfortable to do something like that. If I had 8oo subscribers I’d