
Pretty sure OP meant touchscreen is better for typing versus a d-pad and an input select button (in this case, A).

I’m trash at Puyo as well, there’s plenty of space here in the trash can.

Yep, it’s difficult to nail a game for game of the decade for the 2000s. That’s when gaming got real interesting and much bigger than it was before. All of the games you noted are definitely games that are memorable af. Halo (and its sequels) were the first I thought of that were better than GoW. And I bought an Xbox

Haven’t played Madden 18 yet, but I’ve played (and watched my buddy) the last 3 NBA 2k titles. Needless to say... I really dislike story mode on 2K. Is Madden the same? Can you skip the scenes when your player is done with a game or at half time? That’s probably the most annoying thing about 2K - I don’t need to see

Dude #1 - this is terrible advice, but maybe go get an escort? But if that’s a complete no way, then maybe target dating really religious women who don’t want to have sex until marriage? Or a “born-again” Christian? None of them will judge you negatively for being a virgin (I would think).

So 3-5 during that year and a half before they dated? Seems low for the type of woman he’s describing, or any man that tries to get laid and isn’t an eyesore to look at. :-P

I’m a total manwhore if 5 is too many partners, and I don’t even view myself anywhere close to that status!

Oh shit, I’m glad I watched it all the way through. Didn’t see the wig getting ripped off. Here’s the clip I was talking about:

And you don’t even have to spend money to get bright dust or whatever it’s called to buy the Fireteam medallions. I’ve bought several and I’ve never paid anything to the Eververse.

I thought Strikes inn D2 were required to be solo or with a fireteam, not automatically matched like in D1?

Destiny 2 calculates your new gear in terms of your character’s highest possible Power number, which means you don’t have to equip your best stuff before decrypting engrams.

LMAO! I remember when he was more like a talk show like you described. But yeah, it’s basically a paternity test show now. And yes, they never apologize to the guy. I wonder how real/fake that part of the show is (or any part of the show, really). I don’t remember the comedian’s name but he was on one of the Kat

The last one - get over it. You’re in your 30s and this bothers you? Doesn’t seem like you’ve gotten over him.

I’m FINISHED with human athletes, you hear me? All they do is get hurt. I want all injuries banned forever. Total waste of my fucking time to sit here and root for actual, fragile humans to not get hurt in a sport designed SPECIFICALLY to hurt them.

hahaha “dismissive jerk off gesture” +1

I saw an FWC auto rifle (I think on Kotaku actually, maybe a user comment?) and it looked so sick. Dead Orbit’s shit is all 1800s wild west looking (I’ll wait for RDR2 for that look) and I don’t know about the other (is it two?) Factions. Haekke and New Monarchy?

This. Even if this isn’t the real reason Coughlin didn’t want to sign Kaepernick, he could have just said this.

Even as the audience sat dumbfounded and confused, you could tell Maury was thinking, “I should have just did my usual paternity-testing show”.

Her boobs are ridiculous. I don’t know why anyone would ever think they should get their tits to look like that!