
Exactly, anime is tied to Japanese culture by location and language. Japan is not representative of all Asians. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy anime. And I wholeheartedly agree with your comment about white being the default, black, Asian, or Hispanic is definitely not. My point though is for non whites to band together

Really? Because the cast of Fulmetal Alchemist or Attack on Titan are all Asian and look Asian? Japanese characters in anime don’t even look Asian.

“Find Asians in the business” - I don’t even know white people in the business so how would this even help? My whole point is further segregation among non-whites is not constructive to anyone who falls under “POC” and I don’t even know why people are arguing against the idea of banding together. This is the exact

First of all, why not band together? Why make this a white vs black vs every ethnicity/race/etc issue? More power in numbers. And the last time I checked, there are many more black people than Asian people in the US, not to mention more black people vs Asians that have a platform where they have millions upon millions

Had Jon been any of our other supposed “leaders,” he would have endorsed Daenerys, made a commercial for her and come back to our people with only two or three pieces of dragonglass and a pocketful of promises.

Tyler, the Creator, how many Asian people are in cartoons as the main character? Oh, you can’t name any? Why don’t you throw us a bone and put one of my Asian brothers or sisters in your show without being offensive? I mean, might as well stick up for everyone who is misrepresented.

Was? So what happened to him? Traded him in for an SUV that also knew everything? lmao

Ummm, that’s a fucked up story about the grandpa. Like IT’S YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD (basically). That’s just wrong, I have an almost 5 year old daughter and I can’t ever imagine doing something like that, ever. I thought it was going to be a story about how he did something like that to the granddaughter’s friend or

Ummm, that’s a fucked up story about the grandpa. Like IT’S YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD (basically). That’s just wrong, I have an almost 5 year old daughter and I can’t ever imagine doing something like that, ever. I thought it was going to be a story about how he did something like that to the granddaughter’s friend or

Dude, you ain’t lying. Houston has several BBs, Targets, etc. GO STROS! (long time Astros fan here lol, but I’m not a huge MLB fan. Just happy to see the Stros doing well after it’s been what, 12 years or so since we were in the Series?)

Last Friday there were some available and I know at least at lunch time there were two. Gone the next day, though.

I don’t understand what the point of a preorder or preorder raffle is if they can’t meet demand. I thought preorders were a way for the game publishers/studios or hardware manufacturers to get an early estimate of demand - when they saw the preorder limits were running out they should have doubled up on production.

I know, I stupidly left it along with my SNES at the fraternity house that I used to live in when I left that school lol

She probably did. I remember NBA Jam costing like $74 after taxes or something. Definitely over $70. This was the first version which had Barkley instead of Majerle on the Suns.

Motion controls are also tiring. Fuck em, I don’t care if the best in the world play with em, I’ll never get to that level so I’m happy using twin sticks on the Pro controller!

Why do I expect this number to be higher? Nintendo hit the 1 million mark in Japan about a month ago. PS4 has been available for almost 4 years. For a country with 127 million people, I expected there to be a higher install base than (roughly) 4% lol

What if... she has no arrest record and really is “clean” in that sense? Complaining about how quickly things moved after this shooting compared to a black man/woman being killed is completely understandable. But I can’t say I agree with this post 100%. I do see and feel the frustration in your writing, so good job

Saw him last night and tweeted to him. (didn’t see this post until now, yeah, I know, I’m bad about keeping up with my RSS feed in real time lol)

I assumed you didn’t do this by hand but it makes it that much better. I’ll need to look for this red post box, haven’t noticed it before.

So the sound is exactly how I thought it would be. People were hoping it would bounce off your hands like a phone speaker but that doesn’t appear to be the case. Makes sense that the lid is lighter now that all of the hardware is either moved or gone.