
Can I hire someone to get hit by all of the shells for me in MK8D?

Hope you get an uptick in your requests!

I know, RIGHT?

Shit, depending on how much boosting I could get for $5 or $10, it might not be a bad idea.

I could never get into Minecraft. I don’t get what you’re supposed to do, how you’re supposed to do it, or why.

The dock by itself is $60. So you’re off by $40-50.

You’re listing MSRP, not what the manufacturer would pay for each component, thus making your entire argument invalid.

Man, McDonald’s toys in the Happy Meals used to be so awesome. Now they are so shitty. I mean that’s what used to separate them from other places that had kids’ meals with toys - the McD toys were so awesome. LEGO set (I still have some of the pieces but don’t remember how to build any of them lol), the transformer

Overall I enjoyed the movie and I’m glad I got to see it in theaters. I thought the plot (not the origin story part but the actual reason they banded together) of the first was better than this (as mentioned so many things going on). Some of the character development/reveal was really nice, especially Yondu. It made

Agreed. Drax’s laughter was a bit over the top but I think that was the point - his race/species/whatever you call it are serious and literal, right? So for him to be able to make jokes that are abstract or shit on people and laugh in their face - I don’t know, I was relieved. Because half of those moments I was

The dude with the exaggerated butt chin is the best. But this shit does not look appealing one bit.

So I’m guessing you’re making an assumption because from reading the story it didn’t seem like there was any intentional racism. I mean, I’m not saying there wasn’t in this case, but maybe, just maybe, if the kid were white, he/she could have been drug down the hallway because the teacher just had it that day? Said

That is one helluva accurate shark!

He’s holding that Super Scope Six wrong. :-P

No, speakers on phones are on the bottom near the power jack, and when you’re playing games your hand is not cradling the bottom of the phone. You either are holding the phone in landscape mode while NOT completely covering up the speakers or in portrait mode where your hands don’t cover the speakers.

That is where they are placed, I’ve seen it talked about on other sites.

Mario Kart is fun as long as you’re not that guy who’s in the top 4 during 75% of the race and you are on the last 10% of the final lap and you get hit by 3 or 4 items in a row and finish 8th or worse.

I haven’t really had any connection issues, but I’m just still super annoyed at how slow my Switch downloads games. Doesn’t matter if it’s docked, out of dock, Joycons attached, not attached - it downloads files slow af. I’ve googled this and it’s apparently an issue (the quick fixes are what I just mentioned above).

In one sentence, can someone describe the story or anything to help me understand wtf is going on when I see game clips of it? Maybe another sentence if the main character is blind or has some weird ability with her eyes or everyone in the game (or a certain group of NPCs) are like that?

I hope they have a camera at the designated location you’re supposed to meet. Because one day (hopefully soon) some guy will try to impress his lady friend and she will start handing out ass beatings on all of these guys. I want to see this.