
Nice price! I was in the market looking for a small carrying case as well, but I got sucked in to buying the damn elite backpack. I will say this though, for $50, you are getting a nice bag. It carries everything you need for the system and more. Overkill? Yes, but then I realized I’ve been carrying my Switch around

Nice price! I was in the market looking for a small carrying case as well, but I got sucked in to buying the damn

and then you woke up disappointed...

and then you woke up disappointed...

CHRONO TRIGGER, CHRONO TRIGGER, CHRONO TRIGGER. And maybe Secret of Mana (which I never got into as a kid when it came out, but I think I would like it now).

Better than comics.

I’m totally OK with consoles getting beefier and a little more expensive... as long as they have a good warranty that will cover a machine for at least several years since they will be powerful enough to run games that are constantly getting better graphically.

Didn’t read all the way through, was there any data on the people beinng polled? Were all of these Republicans white?

LOL! I thought to myself when I met Revali, “what an arrogant dick!”

I can’t ever decide...

I am so out of the loop on everything these days! Even with an RSS Feed!

Beam app? Does it still support Twitch? What the hell is Beam?

Hmm, this hasn’t happened to me. And my joy-cons have zero connectivity issues. I’m lucky I suppose!

It wasn’t that bad for me, but I’m still glad I snagged a Pro controller after 80-100 hours with the Joy-con + grip. So much easier and more precise.

It wasn’t that bad for me, but I’m still glad I snagged a Pro controller after 80-100 hours with the Joy-con + grip.

Pro if you can because they’re harder to find and makes Zelda THAT much better!

Pro if you can because they’re harder to find and makes Zelda THAT much better!

I’m glad I’m not the only one. I have just found the last 3-4+ episodes SO GODDAMN BORING. So much of it is unnecessary, or at least seems to make it drag on.

I probably won’t be buying the game anyway so in the end it doesn’t matter lol.

I have, and I also did well. I also have a Pro Controller so it’s more like my Xbox One controllers.

I have the Pro Controller and I was much more effective after the motion controls were turned off.

Man, trying to use the motion controls is freakin’ super difficult. I had to turn that shit off ASAP.

Controlling sticks on FPS is a tad bit different compared to 3rd person. Knowing that you can rotate the camera is one thing, but it can be a challenge for some to keep running in the same direction while needing to rotate the camera (running away from an enemy, for example). The left stick directs your player in

Do it and you can thank me later! I’m pecosROB on basically all forms of social media. The K is from back in the day when AOL for some reason wouldn’t let me spell it pecos so I made it pekos (we’re talking 20+ years in the making I’ve used this handle).