
I shipped some disc golf stuff to someone. It said delivered... to the wrong city and state. Filed a claim (it was priority so it was insured up to $50 automatically) and it was initially denied because it said, “package was delivered.” I then emailed them with the same screenshots of the mailing label info and the

To the people who say, “if they split, the kid pays the price” or something similar.

If she clearly regretted it, her first thought about getting in shape is, “what if I cheat again” probably means she only hasn’t because she feels she is unattractive.

Yeah, this is ridiculous. If that is her first thought, then that means she hasn’t cheated only because she thinks she’s too unattractive for people to want to fuck her.

Best friend, good friend, coworker, doesn’t matter. If someone cheats on their partner with someone that is close in anyway to their partner, both people are the worst.

From what I understand, the video had zero context. What’s funny about paying someone in another country a few dollars to hold a sign that says “Death to all Jews”? Nothing, there is no joke. I don’t even really find it offensive, it’s just really, really stupid.

Did you even read the article? A YouTuber would post a video and then a week or so later a larger channels copies the video.

Still, those bigger channels who copy should give credit. Philly D gives credit and links to every video he mentions on his channel. Other channels say something like, “this idea came from” or “we saw this on ___’s channel.” What’s so hard? The response from GTAMissions makes him/her sound like a total asshole.

Dude, first kids are twins? Sheesh! Good luck man! At first I was like, “night nurse, wtf” but then when you said 8 weeks I thought, yeah, if you can afford it, better go with it! I have just one daughter and she’s 4 and can be a handful all on her own.

SR you mean, not CR?

SR you mean, not CR?

Why does it say Vega for Bison’s health bar??

I get you, I think my main problem is people aren’t even in the chat so even if they don’t have a mic they aren’t even listening to what’s going on and are in their own bubble lol.

I don’t know what platform you’re on, but on Xbox One, not everyone is even in the chat channel. I might have 1 or 2 (if I’m lucky) others just listening to the warnings and call outs. More than 70% of the time if there is a group of people playing, they’re not in the team chat (yet every time I group up with others

100% in agreement! Almost every time I carry the team, we lose. I shouldn’t be getting gold or silver in elim or damage as MEI. But it happens. I’ll get 50-60 elims and maybe 7 deaths as D.Va and I’ll have gold elims. WTF people, what are you doing DPS/Attack heroes? Spraying your tag somewhere on the map?

The absolute worst is when you HAVE a Soldier or McCree and they just IGNORE Pharah that is fucking everyone up! GrrrrrrrRRRRrRRRrrrRrr

THIS! I was 2363 and have fallen all the way down to 1980s. Groups with a friend or two might get me back up to 2100-2200 but that’s it. Solo ranking SUCKS BALLS.

2/15/17 here and this has HAPPENED TO ME MORE THAN ONCE!

Had to buy D.Va’s (which I wanted the most), Zenyatta’s, and Symmetra’s. Got the rest... after 124 lootboxes.

Bought 100 lootboxes (50 then 50) for the winter event. The first 50 were awesome, the second 50 had a lot of duplicates but I got just about everything I wanted.