
I can’t believe only the mass public is only beginning to realize how expensive they are. I figured out how expensive they are when I had to replace a flip phone (this is before cameras were around) and the unsusbsidized cost was $350-450 for a phone. When smartphones came out I always checked the off contract price

I just wonder how much of Fox’s offense was because of him or Manning. But he did make it to the playoffs with Tebow, so I suppose he has a few tricks up his sleeve. I usually try and get Forte in FF drafts but this year I avoided Bears players like the plague. Hope that doesn’t come bite me in the ass.

Wow, I never even thought about it like that. I was just talking to someone about how I felt bad about Bears fans because Cutler got that huge contract and nothing to show for. But, if you look at it in that light, he is the best Chicago QB. By a mile.

Drew, tell us how you REALLY feel.

The first time you play through the game, sure, don’t let people skip it. The second, third, fourth, fifth, especially considering how many times you re-play missions, a skip option should be mandatory. We should be given the choice to watch or skip, especially if we’ve already been forced to watch it once!

FINALLY! Praise Jeebus

Starred because of your very last sentence is what I was wondering how clothes could be “suffocating.”

But... when someone rips ass I put my nose and mouth inside of my shirt, and I can still breathe through it... unfortunately.

Good luck dude, break some ankles!

Because... I just started rewatching all of the Chappelle Show episodes and this skit immediately came to mind after reading your comment lol

I just came to comment to ask if anyone knew when the Fallout 3 digital download for Xbox One preorders for Fallout 4 will be available. :-D

When I was in college at Rice I took a history class that was centered around video games and board games. I can’t believe I actually got a 3 hour credit for an easy A! The guy who furnished the board games wasn’t a professor but he held some record of biggest board game collection or something. Don’t recall this game

OK thanks Patricia! Gears 1 was the reason I even got an Xbox 360, honestly.

I’m confused... and out of the loop. Is the Ultimate Edition just Gears 1 or Gears 1-3?

Kaepernick as Al Pacino from Scent of a Woman was hilarious. And then the judo chop scene with Julio. haha

#1, you can’t detect sarcasm

That last pic reminds me of Fruity Pebbles.

I thought Frank WAS getting a BJ from his wife and then he told her to stop because it was “no use”?

Call of Duty, Ghosts? Really? It’s already on Xbox One... it came out on Xbox One... WTF people?

Since I preordered Fallout 4 PIP Boy edition I’m “guaranteed” a PIP Boy at least. I learned my preorder lesson but if it’s a game I want to get for sure then why not?