
Then give me your money and don't worry about it. :-)

So will this make people who haven't bought the game yet do so since they can get that bonus cash? Would be funny (but frustrating) if this caused even more problems getting online. Luckily I haven't had issues since the title update.

PS3 or Xbox? I'm just curious if this is a problem for both platforms or not. 360 here and no issues so far. After I was able to finally get on and play some GTAV Online, that is. It used to get stuck at the tutorial race but finally let me through after the update.

I understand about the money situation. When you like guns it is especially tough. I'm a 1911 guy and once my Ruger SR1911 CMD is broken in it will be my carry. I had a Kimber Ultra Stainless Raptor (3") but sold it since I wanted all of my 1911s to have the same size magazine well for grips and mags (got two Kimbers

CHL? You in Texas? I ask because we're the only ones that call it a CHL - most seem to refer it to it as CCW or CCL in other states. Gotta get your CHL! I got mine a couple years ago.

Waiting period? What state? No waiting period here in Texas, unless you want to count the quick call to NICS after you fill out your 4473.

If the guy who got run over'd was riding "legally" he wouldn't have been riding the bike at all, since he had a suspended license.

You are assuming that the potential beating you would take for the safety of your family results in you not dying and your family coming out unscathed, neither of which can be guaranteed or promised in a situation like this.

That's .357 sig not the .357 mag that he's probably talking about. Similar, but different rounds.

Unless you own a revolver, most semi-autos don't go "click click click" when they're out of ammo. They go "click" and then don't go click again until you rack the slide back.

Magazine, not a clip. What are we using, an M1 Garand? No, it's a magazine. I don't know of a single pistol that utilizes a clip and not a magazine.

I noticed that when you get out of a car you can hear the sound an engine makes as it turns off and cools down.

"I'm kind of hoping Walt dies before he can actually use that M60."

You and I think the very similarly.

Amazing how much free time people have to respond and participate this much in the comments. I'm not talking about everyone, just a few people who have been talking back and forth.

And which GTA was that?

Thanks. In other news, I'm illiterate and blind.

I'm not seeing anything about a $20 credit at the check out screen. I entered the promo and nothing happened... What am I doing wrong?

CT was the game that got me into RPGs. Currently playing it via emulation on my SHIELD.

A couple of questions - what is up with creampie in the midwest? It's like they all tell each other about it. And the Ebony down in the south? Is it because there are more black people or is it that racist people deep down are just hating themselves?