
Sam & Max and Tales of Monkey Island are definitely standouts. Maybe because they have actual gameplay instead of just being interactive movies.

I actually played the entire Devil’s Playhouse Sam and Max story. I liked its ability to go from Max doing fart jokes to Sam saying, “I could learn a lot from this poster... if I weren’t so offended by the choice of fonts.” But even though I enjoyed it, it was terribly unpolished.

Their games may have been rudimentary and derivative (of each other) in terms of gameplay, and their “branching” story structure was all illusion of choice, but man, did they tell some pretty good stories. It’s sad to see another studio claimed by “grew too big too fast.” One of the hardest things for companies to

Here’s a crazy idea — maybe just stop paying attention to him...?

When asked if Chevy should succeed him on The Tonight Show, Johnny Carson famously opined “Chevy Chase couldn’t ad-lib a fart after a baked-bean dinner.”

I’d be the last guy to defend Chevy Chase because the guy is clearly an asshole, but his assessment of today’s SNL isn’t too far off.

You can argue who comes off worse in the Dan/Chevy feud that got Harmon fired for season 4. They were both assholes. The difference is, Harmon has grown, and Chase hasn’t. I imagine one of the things that pushed Harmon into therapy was that Chevy Chase was basically like his Ghost of Christmas Future. Spirit, is it

I think it says a lot about Dan Harmon that he somehow managed to come out of an altercation with Chevy Chase looking like the bigger asshole. That’s like out-crazying Gary Busey.

The only game I remember playing on that system was Risk. Why did I play so many solo games of risk? Not enough friends, I guess.

I want a Dreamcast classic before anything else

I caved and preordered the PS1 Classic out of fear of another NES Classic low shipment situation. They announced 5 of 20 games so far, which ones would you want for the rest of the 20? Or for the inevitable PS2 Classic?

Yeah, Jimmy probably offered some reasonable-sounding explanation like, “Got done at the store, was hungry, stopped at the Dog House for a late bite, mugged.” 

This comment is fantastic, that’s all I wanted to say.

Incidentally, there’s a nice little call-out to the Cinnabon flash-forwards in this episode. In the season 3 premiere, Gene talks himself into potential trouble by telling the shoplifter to call a lawyer after he notices that the kid was arrested without being Mirandized. How does Kim snag such a good deal for her

Kim asked ‘And this happened at the Dog House?’ I took that to mean he told her that’s where the ‘mugging’ happened beforehand, and then he went on to elaborate on that with telling her he parked too far away, etc. She didn’t ask him if he was there in that way, and I can’t think of any way she would’ve known anything

I for sure wanted revenge! In the shows I watch, I’m so used to protagonists knowing how to defend themselves, that I’m kind of at a loss at seeing just a good old-fashioned mugging.

I’m hoping he sics the bikers on them.

Those punk kids aren’t going to get away with this. Jimmy’s gonna exact his revenge somehow.

I love the fact that Kim’s entire current career crisis has played out without the character uttering a single word of exposition on the matter.

Henry definitely deserved it. The whole Wrigley Field thing was a dead give away. It was big news when the lights were installed there and they started playing night games. Henry’s not only a liar, he’s a careless one.