Just the final episode, so you can safely skip most the credits. But not the episode that has American Pie playing over the credits because everyone must always listen to American Pie without skipping.
Just the final episode, so you can safely skip most the credits. But not the episode that has American Pie playing over the credits because everyone must always listen to American Pie without skipping.
Don’t need a spoiler, but want to know, Every episode, or just the final episode. Thanks
I can’t get the vision of a naked Tormund in bed sucking on a giant woman’s nipple out of my head.
My biggest takeaway from that scene? Gendry was totally a virgin. “Three” is the answer all virgins give when asked if they’ve done it.
Sansa got smarter based on time and experience/ years being discredited and allowed to observe. The Hound was Arya’s travel buddy for a spell, saw her pre-faceless men kill some people with the “I’m just a sweet girl, all hungry and sad...STAB” and she left him to bleed out with no one around so “cold bitch” from The…
The only one of those that was too quick for me was the Theon one. I know they don’t have a lot of time, but a more daring rescue would’ve been fun to see.
They were both shown in the crowd briefly, though it didn’t look like they were standing together.
(FWIW, kinja no longer will let me be “Clueless Neophyte”, which had been my AVC handle since 2008. I used to be on here a lot, but that tapered off a while ago, & with the switch to kinja pretty much petered out…
It’s for old times sake.
Last four are over an hour
Dolorous Edd: “Back, he’s got blue eyes!”
I always thought Jamie would be forced to kill Cersei to stop her from doing something horrific in an attempt to maintain power. I’m even more sure now that we have Chekov’s crossbow.
You fuck right off with that nonsense. She's doing to make giant babies with tormund
8o% of this episode was jokier than I expected, given the situation.
Yeah the show has gone out of it's way to show the only person who deserves to be on the throne is whoever is strong enough to keep cheeks on the seat.
But it doesn’t, really. The Unsullied and Dothraki and Yara and the two dragons are loyal to Dany, not to the Iron Throne, so they don’t care who Jon’s parents are. The Northern lords are loyal to the Starks and hate the Targaryens, so they don’t care who Jon’s parents are. And Cersei has zero claim to the throne…
That <60 minutes runtime is some horseshit. Apparently we have another week of that before they ramp it up.
I find it funny how so many shows with characters that are hardcore individualists have fanbases that are so filled with groupthink. So many of them think Rick is a hero and think they can be like him, but just end up being a Jerry.
Can I just say that the execution of Werner is quite possibly one of the most beautiful scenes the BB/BCS crew have ever pulled off? Both jaw dropping and sad at the same time.