
I sincerely hate this continuing series of posts and I hope that GRRM dies, decades from now, without ever releasing the final book just to deeply upset you all.

I loved Blondie for some reason

Waiting for someone to do something with the Simpsons quote...

I hope nothing terrible happens to Kim. That would break my already cold dead heart.

I know this is going to be controversial, but I think that this show is good and enjoy watching it.

Or by saying he’s going to make Kaep the starter next season. I’m all for Kaep having a starting job—he’s potentially better than half the current starters at the position—but Cam Newton has a contract through 2020, if I’m not mistaken, and he’s already one of the most explosive (and black, and popular with the home

And hillbillies want to be called “sons of the soil,” but it ain’t gonna happen.

You have no idea what you’re saying. There’s no way Jozy puts that ball more than 16 rows up

How many players in the *world*, let alone the U.S., could have pulled off that touch and finish??

It can’t be that good because it wasn’t done in an MLS game. -Bruce Arena

Such a relief we won’t have to endure any of that brilliance during the World Cup.

Impressive. Most teenage boys deliver in under a minute.

We have anti-trust laws?

The UK has harsh laws regarding acquiring work permits for non-EU players, so it is actually very difficult logistically for American players to play in England at any level w/o an EU passport. We do currently have Cameron Carter-Vickers (who has an English passport) grinding it out at Sheffield United though.

It’s too bad Bill Murray never got a chance to play him when he was younger.

It’s already out.

I’m totally psyched that U2 has a new album out!

I think Angus even said that if Malcolm ever wanted to play leads that he’d put Angus to shame, but he had no real desire to do so.

Going easy on the distortion is the key. Lets the dynamics of the playing come through clearly, and Malcolm Young could play like a Muthafucka.