
We’re all fucked up behind closed doors in some way shape or form.

Oh I was scared of her most!

Fuck you Jared Fogle. And drop dead.

I’m still shocked that Limbaugh hasn’t Breitbarted himself after all these years. The crap flowing through his mind and soul is pure poison.

If he ditches they should put the libertarian guy in his place.

Yeah you don’t train your entire life to not only get to the Olympics but to win a medal just to so your bf can interupt it by doing something he could have done at literally any other time. Couldn’t he have let her have her moment be happy for her?

Is he eating that other bird? Cuz that not cool.

George Zimmerman. The only man whose ego is bigger than Donald Trump's.

My issue with the show is that they do too many storylines. Its why I gave up on freak show. The story about the oddities museum kidnapping the “ freaks” for their displays was really interesting but it was drowned out by all the others. They don’t need to pack it full of every weird story.that they can think of. One

I wonder if swimming over bloated corpses will break one’s concentration or motivate one to go faster?

So essentially nursing homes are like high school all over again? Great.

I don’t understand humans anymore.

Sad. Clearly lots of dysfunction and trauma in that family.

How difficult is it to NOT be a perv? Did this guy honestly think that this was remotely acceptable? Is he living in a porn movie fantasy in his head?

Every single president that we’ve ever had has killed human beings. Our very existence as a nation began in bloodshed. Were all just squatters on stolen land, not to mention the fact that we built it with slaves. We are all fucking guilty. So spare me the sanctimony over Obama. He inherited a fucking shitty world. A

Agree. I feel like he and his family deserve a huge apology from us. We should skywrite “Please forgive us” on the day he leaves DC.

I didn’t even know that Chelsea was pregnant again. She must have conceived like right after the first was born.

Man: “Awww, why dont you give me a smile, I’m just trying to be friendly, you can at least be friendly back!”