@GitEmSteveDave: well if you hunting for toons its the best...
@GitEmSteveDave: well if you hunting for toons its the best...
@Tyrunn: yeah but the thera eruption may have been where he got the idea for a civilization that was destroyed in one night so suddenly.
@Tyrunn: well we think the stories of Atlantis were based off a place called Thera.
@Tyrunn: well the window isn't that large. odds are he was active some time in the 300-600 CE range.
@AngriestGeek: the problem with him being arthur is that his one connection would be that he may have been the commander at the battle of badon hill, but only one history attributes the victory to king arthur, and Geoffrey of Monmouth is notoriously unreliable in his writings.
@ClintonBaptiste: its accepted that arthurian myth was based off the life of a welsh king, but no one is exactly sure who the figure that would become the legendary arthur is. (odds are the legends are a mismash of many kings and things since arthur as a figure doesn't appear till much later in written histories)
isn't that image a Babylonian cuneiform tablet?
@nigma.ed: hell they just need to get some small pox. or one of the other diseases not seen or vaccinated for in the west.
@mordicai: or worse the booster gold/blue beetle road trip.
well i hope he at least stops to see the worlds largest ball of twine.
@aquajaws: well most folks outside the city only think of us in regards to delta, coke cola, ted turner, MLK, or one of the many rappers outta here.
@Herabek: did you see the HP Lovecraft society's movie of the call of cthulhu?
yays! now del toro is free to do that "at the mountains of madness" movie he promised us Lovecraft fans!
dude if you're gonna go pink go all the way! pink bartape and hoods would be awesome!
@The_Virus: yeah but you add a ton of weight. plus you have to carry that weight instead of the bike and so you're really hampering yourself.
@wjb1975: and then he would shift to a larger gear and leave you in the dust.
@bog_god: cyclocross actually makes a bit of sense when doing street riding as it makes it easier to jump curbs.
i've seen portals in-game before, though that mod treated them more like a spray. and there was no velocity physics.
as a girl who was looking into this game i hope they may include female avatars in an expansion.