
@BenignMuffin: there is a great deal of skill needed for the class. and the rifle isn't one hit kill for every class, soldiers take 2 full charged shots and a heavy takes 3 to knock down. and a good scout is damn hard to hit.

@nworobes: in regular matches I've been in when a spy is spotted he's immediately the priority target. that's what i mean is that when you're spotted the other team immediately comes after you as their priority target even if there's a scout dancing around with their intel.

@lolgreg: sneaking up behind the spies stealthed ass and beating them down with a bigger knife is also pretty sweet.

@trogam: how about a blow gun?

@lordofsword: ah but pyro still is the only class that can deflect rockets.

@MDX: the hard thing with sniper is learning how each class moves around a map.

@Maleficent Lovecraft: the big thing is to watch out for the laser dots in a game. from there you can usually figure out the snipers line of sight and position.

@Boolean: no it think they're point is that players get very frustrated when they're facing a sniper and they're side doesn't have a good counter sniper.

@Conor M: age of mythology, with the titan expansion.

that cripto rules!

@Proto_Man: Prison justice will get him. after all the worse kind of murderer is a child murderer.

notice how over the years her eyebrows lowered until shes perpetually frowning.

dangit. now i want to play Oregon trail again.

okay am i the only one who thinks that the combat is basically elite beat agents minus the music?

@ruslander: maybe they should just make a full length movie.

@Saprol: methinks they may wait until they have all the class updates ready and then spring them onto the 360 and ps3.

the demo man is highly offended by this.

well at least the programmer was honest