
Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-

Additionally, can we add to the amazement that Misty Copeland didn’t take a ballet class until she was 13? So, she hit that level in 2 years. 2 YEARS. I can never not be just amazed by that fact.

This is a good foot. Gorgeous arch.

It’s relative to the lines of a dancer, combined with arch support and overall foot strength. If you notice in the first photo, while her legs and feet are in a line, there should actually be a natural curvature to the feet when up on pointe, which she is missing. I can tell by her lack of actually “point” in her

I grew up in a Muslim household. My mother, our petty domestic tyrant, insisted that Western music and dancing was sinful. However, if you played some Somali music, she would wrap a scarf around her booty and start shaking it. Islam, depending on the locale and sect, has varying responses to different situation. One

Very, but this may be more of a correlation than a causation thing. It sounds like Muslim familes where the girls are raised to wear a hijab are not likely to send their daughters to ballet class in the first place. Given the combination of money, time, effort, and inate skill, and opportunity that it takes to become

Theres a little girl at the rink I used to coach at that is figure skating in a hijab and her program is “Wonder Woman” and it’s fantastic

You know what though? Jeb! and the rest of his establishment pals totally made this situation, by playing the worst and most cynical sort of politics for their own enrichment and piggybacking on the basest and most craven lies - and now they have lost control of it, boo fucking hoo. Jeb! was perfectly happy to spread

I know. Holding back the urge to feel bad. But it comes anyway.

My thoughts, too. Not a fan of his politics, but I wish he was doing better than Cruz or Trump.

I like, almost feel sorry for Jeb. Almost.

Heh heh... I legitimately have an answer for this, though: late seasons Bobby Draper.

Yup, I can’t hate on them for how their dealing with their divorce. Yes, weird to describe your ex husband as a “brother” ... but otherwise great.

I know it’s popular to hate on Gwyneth but THAT is how you do divorce with kids. Too often the parents are selfish cry babies who can’t put their kids first for even a second. I can hate on GOOP the website but I give these two a lot of credit in the parenting department.

Seriously. These houses look like showpieces for other people to ogle. Our house may not be perfectly curated but at least it looks like people are here every once in a while.

Naomi and Liev’s place at least sort of looks like people live there, though there’s some obvious staging of the sort that makes my eyes itch.

They used to source everything from US companies. Even down to the zippers and buttons. When I worked there the only thing that wasn’t US made was the plastic strap on their earmuffs. But the rest was US made and they were put together in the warehouse in LA. Not sure about how it is now...

I actually think it would be to Kit Kat’s great benefit to introduce a bar with a higher wafer:chocolate ratio. I’m always nibbling the chocolate off the outside of the wafers to create this effect, but it would be much more efficient for me to just have a version with increased wafer volume.

but where are they sourcing the fabrics from? (honest question)

Dov and Terry Richardson need to start a club: “Skeevy people that inexplicably continue to find employment.”