And this will be the thing that will make me unexpectedly cackle for the rest of the night.
And this will be the thing that will make me unexpectedly cackle for the rest of the night.
Kim's phrasing there is so awkward, what she's saying can be interpreted a couple of different ways. I didn't read it as judgmental, I read it as her speaking about being unsure how she would pull off being a working mom. But that's just me. I can see why you read it differently.
I can agree with that.
That would have caused a major feud between Chrissy and Jewel.
I didn't mention the sex tape and it's irrelevant. But you cannot convince me that dressing up and doing elaborate makeup in order to pose for selfies that are then posted on Instagram is work. Just like the Wall ST sociopaths who crashed the economy are not "job creators." You can say it over and over but it still…
It's not rating her worth as a woman, it's just pointing out how absurd it is that a multi-millionaire woman (who's claim to fame is being born rich and a sex tape) is acting like she knows exactly what it's like to be a working mom, when really she has the option to work or not whereas so many women don't.
And when she comes home from a day at "work," she doesn't have to rush to daycare or risk being charged overtime, or stop at the grocery store, cook dinner, clean it up, get the laundry done, give the kid a bath and read stories, and try and balance the checkbook before falling into bed. Rinse repeat.
So I missed the news that Pam Anderson had cut her hair. Apparently that's an old story. And I'm looking at this and talking to my kids (ages 16 and 12) saying "Can you believe this? She looks great. Look at her without her long hair?" just talking up a storm and my daughter comes in and says, "what are you…
I have this fantasy that I somehow run into Kim Kardashian and I treat her like a normal person or I get the chance to say "I'm are??"
The attractive guy who sleeps with 9 billion women without a single worry about an STD or getting a girl pregnant (see Barney in HIMYM and Joey in Friends especially).
- The token, funny black character.
The female nerd played by a model in glasses.
The shlubby hubby/boyfriend who's lovably stupid, and who needs his wife in order to make the "right" decisions in life.
a. If you can't afford a decent tip, then eat at a fast food joint.
re food costs: I'm assuming they're focused on all the beer those 8 people are going to buy to wash down that order of chicken wings.