
You’re comparing genre fiction to a work of serious historical fiction, and one that has remained consistently in print since its publication so it is clearly finding new readers.

In the first two episodes, all of the violence is either obscured by something in the foreground (the sword-neck interactions) or is onscreen for less than half a second (boiling guy) and out of focus.

Based on James Clavell’s Shōgun, his 1975 tome of a dad book (not to diminish it—it’s apparently really good)“

A thief trying to describe himself after getting his teeth kicked in for stealing?

I’m neither a country music fan or a Beyonce fan.

The Redwall series were so fun to read as a kid: but IIRC, the first book was really the best distillation of the formula and the others expanded upon it.

I can’t help wondering if there is some misogyny in this and a lot of other criticisms of the season. Honestly, it may be my favorite season of the show. 

Sure, but only if this is a lead in to a new Legends of Tomorrow Crossover. No Waverider, no sell. 

Just torrent the video, which is a appalling if you you have to pay for it.  Fuck Amazon and fuck ads. Not gonna do it.

Dude pulls this dipshit shtick on the regular. Is what it is. Dude absolutely, definitely watches or (maybe even?) reads shit that a good portion of other people find absolutely fucking stupid.

Well, you come off like a cunt. So you’ve got that going for you too!

This looks self-aware and a hell of a lot fun. I’ll be there for it. 

I’m not American so I won’t pretend to understand the labours laws over there, but aren’t a great many jobs in the States at will employment, meaning the boss can fire you whenever without cause? It sounds like Carano got more chances than most people do.

I look forward to these people someday realizing that freedom of speech does not actually mean freedom from consequence when you’re talking about a private corporation/entity/employer. Yes, Gina and Elon, you can say whatever the hell you want. But you can still face the repercussions. 

Yes! Max is doing secret deals with Netflix... the CW-verse is (if not popping) humming along in reruns there. Give Legends a little promo nudge, watch the cult classic status take off, then 8 episodes! Just 8 Netflix, c’mon. I need it. I can’t think straight. My arms are all itchy. I see Ava Sharpe drunk-twerking a

Remember when the little blonde nazi had to gargle Roger Ailse lumpy ballsack to get a job?

It’s just exceptionally weird to me. I mean, I know people here watch The Boys and it’s a pretty successful show, but if I were to ask someone on the street who Erin Moriarty was, would they know? Does anyone watching Megyn Kelly really know?

I would have suspected it wouldn’t be as loud as it would for the crowd, but that depends on speaker placement. I have never seen Gaga in concert but in all the shows I have been to, primarily rock and EDM, the speakers are either suspended in a line array, for big venues, or mostly to either side of the stage.  I

Thanks for posting this. David was an old friend and really one of the warmest, most generous people I’ve ever known. Whenever we would be out in his ‘90s heyday and there would be another “Stuart sighting,” he wouldn’t hesitate to stop, introduce himself and have a conversation with a fan. He lived a big, bright,

Jo Koy only got the gig because Andy Dick is still under house arrest.