“I want attention, how do I get attention?”
“I want attention, how do I get attention?”
You know how the culture at large makes it so no matter what you as a woman do you’re doing it wrong? Congratulations to Jessa for adding feminism to that ever growing list.
Whenever someone takes a radical position, the easiest way to not take them seriously is to investigate their life and say, oh but she slept with this guy, or she worked this way for the patriarchy, etc.
Jessa Crispin has obviously really put a lot of thought into this subject, but I can’t help but keep circling back to how she (or her publisher with her cosign) named the book. And I find it ironic that her whole platform is anti-corporate “Lean In” and buy this feminist necklace shit, but she clearly named her book…
Only two black feminists were named in this article - Audre Lord in reference to self care, and Beyonce in reference to how she’s a capitalist. This is shitty.
It must be nice to be the only person doing feminism right.
i dont think nicki needs any insurance money. she good.