
Joan's boots also struck me. Her motivation for not taking them off is because of their intricate nature. I personally can't take mine on or off while standing. Hers probably have zips on the back and sitting down to remove them not to mention the act of removing her boots would be lengthy and a bit sassy. Sitting

Sell your panties and drive directly to the nearest police station.

For obvious reasons I am very excited for this. I got into MST3K around the time I was actually doing some temp work and there were quite a few assignments where I was worried for my safety. (Property management is a bitch.) At one place the supervisor told me she had a special project for me. I told her I wasn't

We accept cash, money, cashmoney and pencil shavings.

I came only to say:
"You used to be such a nice boy. Now you dress like a figure skater."