
In other news, seeing that Bey has some lines and bumps makes me feel, honestly, better about my own face. Which might be messed up! But my relief that she looks like a person with real skin and not magical always-smooth perfect android skin sort of makes me think that it is still important for people to see

Photoshopping pics of Beyoncé to make her look bad...

For us it went like this:

I dated my husband for a month before we moved in together. We've been together twelve years now, this summer is our 5-year wedding anniversary, and we have the cutest damn five month old baby you've ever seen.

I'd say if you are 18-24, you shouldn't live together at all. Be young. Explore. Make friends (because it only gets harder once everyone hitches up and has no time. It is easier to find a lover than a best friend).

Once, at a company where I was the only woman, I got in the habit of making the 1st pot of coffee because I was always the first one in. The CPO said to me one day, 'I'm glad you make the coffee, it tastes better when a woman makes it.' I bought my coffee on the way in from then on and never brewed another pot.

I really like this series because the issues reflect the experiences I have, as a highly-educated woman in a white collar profession. No, it's not going to apply to service workers. It can't. But not all women, obviously, have lower-paying service jobs or lack the ability to speak out for themselves and their roles in

I started turning down about two out of three requested "not my job" admin tasks. I figured doing one out of three still makes me look like a team player, while encouraging coworkers not to immediately assume I'm free to do their admin work.

After learning the hard way, here is a list of shit i don't ever do in the office:

My mother was telling me the other night that where we live there is a woman who is calling doctors offices to see if they will see patients that refuse to vaccinate, taking the list of names that say no, and is suing them for discrimination. I can't remember if it was religious discrimination or just flat out

I get it, and I'm torn. On the one hand, I have an obligation to protect all the other children who come into the office, and unvaccinated kids endangers everyone else in the waiting room. On the other, the only thing that seems to convince anti-vax parents are good relationships with their primary care physicians -

Back in the 1950's my brother who was 7 and my sister who was 5 contracted the measles. My sister ran the course and was healthy again within a few weeks. My brother was not so lucky. He began to develop calcium deposits all over his body. Those deposits eventually also attacked his organs. His muscles began to be

As the child of a parent who passed and who had something similar happen, I can guarantee that the kids aren't going to "strip the house." She's afraid they'll take things she wants, but they just want the stuff that their dad owned that reminded them of him. In my case, it was my actual father trying to fight his

I'm a little confused. She looks 50. She doesn't have a lot of wrinkles, but the other signs of aging are there. Nothing wrong with looking your age; I know I do. But to give up smiling for this? That means no laughing either. No showing the people you love the joy and happiness they bring you? No spreading said

I also am a sorority alum. My sorority did none of the above (and was actually (substantially - $3000+/year) cheaper than living in the dorms and comparable in cost to living off-campus near the school) but I don't need to get defensive or defend all of Greek life because the bad ones are being called out. They should

My ring is made out of organically-grown, free-range lentils and the artisans who made it actually paid me to take it off their hands.

It's a regional thing. Lilly and Vera Bradley are big in the south and east, Coach is big in the midwest but LA sorority girls wouldn't be caught dead with any of them. LV and Chanel, even if it's only a good fake. From what I've gathered the preppy look is not big there.

I need to know who is wearing Lilly Pulitzer aside from my grandmother.

Hot take: Lilly Pulitzer's clothes are tacky and horrible.

You were absolutely right to do that...I'm reading a book called "The Gift of Fear" and it is all about how our intuition or gut or whatever you want to call it is actually pretty much always right when we have an "off" feeling about stuff like this. The author (a man) also makes it very clear that as women have a LOT