
Nah, I get it, I recently had the same thing. Dude wouldn't knock it off, and there was a weekend where I spent days worrying about the situation escalating. Then I decided to stop being polite and was more curt, and it worked. Their sense of entitlement and lack of concern for positive feedback is pretty disturbing.

The thing is if they are really obsessed with you they are already imagining having sex with you and masturbating thinking of you. It's not at all surprising women pick up on this attention being creepy. These guys have a whole alternate reality going on in their head involving you as a fantasy object, not you as a

I had a coworker who did and said all sorts of weird shit to me. None of it was overtly inappropriate, but it still upset me to the point that I would hide in my office to avoid him.

"yeah, I could see my venture idea being acquired by google"

I can relate to this though. I took online classes along with classes at my college and without fail some creep would look up my name on facebook and try to add me before we had even met. It's like the class roster is their new list of potential girlfriends. I seriously just want to finish my associates degree, okay

Hydro Flask Water Bottle

Hydro Flask Water Bottle

This fucking sucks. This means that for the next, like, year at least, every article or expose or even individual account from a rape victim will be met with: "But that other girl lied about part of her story, so YOU ARE ALSO OBVIOUSLY LYING! FALSE ACCUSATIONS ARE SO MUCH WORSE THAN RAPE, BLAH BLAH RECENCY BIAS

I love Serial and I think the only certain conclusion we're going to be able to take away from it is "Damn, the justice system is fucked up." Because regardless of WHO did it, I can't fathom how a jury convicted Adnan beyond a reasonable doubt based on the case presented.

I have no idea if Adnan did this or not, but there's NO way he should have been convicted on the evidence presented. Reasonable doubt out the yang!

Okay, I might just be young and naive here, but one of my good friends recently went through this (married at 23, divorced at 25). I found that there is only one appropriate thing to say, which is "I'm here to support you. Let me know whenever you need me." And what followed were a lot of nights around a bottle of

A Nordstrom Rack is a chimera. It's a Nordstrom store with stuff that didn't sell from the regular Nordstrom, I think. Sometimes it is heaven and filled with the best dansko shoes and cotton shirts in exactly my size. Other times it is hell and filled only with blue sequined flip flops and strange nylon shirts shot

She could remove the child from the building until it calmed down. Like most parents would do. Like my parents did with me at restaurants so my tantrum would not cause other people undue distress.

Clearly you've never heard of South Asian or Middle Eastern weddings. American weddings don't even begin to approach the scale of gigantic weddings that are prevalent in many world regions.

omg you're so cool you don't care about weddings

This, this, this, this! "Babies shouldn't be allowed anywhere nicer than Chili's because they might cry" - come the fuck on. But parents who let their kids have run of the place or scream are assholes too.

YUP. If you have a baby in a public place (airplane, restaurant, etc), it's on you to at least ACT like you're trying to calm your baby down. Get the baby out of there if you can, if not, slap on your guiltiest face and work like the dickens to calm that kid down. I'm taking my three month old on a long flight next

This deserves some greater prominence.

This. We take our kiddo to lots of restaurants. Some of them pretty nice. But a soon as she makes a peep, one of us takes her outside, or if necessary, we leave.

This is my opinion, also. I personally feel that you can pretty much take newborns, especially anywhere. I spent many a Saturday getting drunk with my friend's a bar, at brunch, in their house. Heck, after drink #2, I turn into Mary Fucking Poppins and refuse to give up the baby because it is so warm and

I've probably been lots of places with babies and didn't notice because they were quiet/amused/asleep. Just like with adults, if I am painfully aware of your presence maybe you should just go.