
I don't really understand this line of thinking - why is it so important not to be "old" when your kid graduates high school? I have quite a few friends who were raised by their retired grandparents (like late 50s when the grandkid was a baby), and they turned out great. Many of the (grand)parents were around and

Meh, we did a local semi-secret non-event civil ceremony (unless you consider my husband and I drinking prosecco and gorging on trader joe's frozen appetizers while watching netflix an event) followed by a "real" wedding 6 months later abroad, where most of our relatives live. This was 4 years ago, and honestly the

The last (and I mean officially last) wedding I was a bridesmaid in, another bridesmaid was planning the vegas bachelorette party and planned activities that would have cost over $1000 per person - not including airfare and hotel. I replied saying that I made $1800 a month as a grad student and could not afford it,

Nah, that's not a destination wedding; it's a wedding that some people will need to travel for. Destination weddings are in a tropical location, where it's cheap for the bride and groom because it a) cuts down on the number of guests, who usually feel guilty about not coming and buy $$$ gifts, and b) defrays the cost

I'm super late on responding to you - but weird foods on alone nights are the beeeeeeest!

I didn't see one single female Algerian fan in the stands during their game over the weekend - which is extra remarkable because the ABC/ESPN broadcasters seem very dedicated to finding the hot female fans of all countries in the stands, and it seems pretty 50/50 for most countries' fans. It was really creepy. I

I guess my issue is more with the linear aspect of these personality measures. I love taking personality tests but I'm always confused when it comes to interpreting the results. (Don't even get me started on type A, B, etc. ) Some days I don't want to see another human face, other days I can't stand being alone, I

Yeah but from what I understand intro/extrovert isn't really about if you're social or talkative, it's about how you "recharge". I am super social, love meeting new people, can easily work it in most social situations, etc - but I cannot function if I don't have at least an hour a day of not talking to anyone, and at

"It's just aesthetically not pleasing"

It's difficult to separate out mental illness from a shitty personality. There was a this american life a while ago where a teenager who was a pedophile, but had never acted on his urges, recognized his problems and tried so painfully hard to find treatment for himself, at great personal discomfort and I would say

The saddest part is that a size 4, blonde rich sorority etc etc etc probably *would* have dated ER if he were confident, funny, interesting, and above all a caring person. He was relatively attractive and had some social cache with his dad and his affluent background - I don't think that the women he desired were out

Well, to be fair STEM majors also work in a wide variety of fields; I have friends in business, consulting, management, graphic design, sales, etc. They're just not constantly drawing directly from their coursework to solve problems, the same way that a Classics major working in HR likely does not need to interpret

Yeah, I feel like the overpriced mid-tier and for-profits are a major source for student debt, I've just never seen statistics or facts to that effect.

There are plenty of ways to get a college education without "crushing debt" - 2 years at a community college followed by a transfer to a state school, for one. Let's say you still need to take out loans - 25K is not an insignificant amount of debt, but I would think worth it especially if you're investing in your

Well, the sticker costs are going up, but it is my impression that many students don't pay full price based on their family income - they kind of figure out how much your parents can afford to pay and then they pay the remainder. My brother's girlfriend (well, her mom) paid ~5K total out of pocket for 4 years at an

That's my point: there are no majors in any of the jobs you list, but there are job titles such as "computer scientist", which is also a major. It's a built-in resume, whereas for other majors you'd need to take an extra step to go to law school, or do an internship, or take the initiative to figure out and emphasize

What is the driving source behind the increase in undergrad debt? Is it for-profit colleges, students getting hoodwinked into over-paying for fancy private vs solid public schools, or general increase in cost of living? I ask because I know quite a few kids who had a huuuuuge portion of their tuition expenses paid

Yeah this bugs a bit too, as a STEM grad. It seems like we get jobs "easier" because the education and training we get is more directly applicable to a job description; I pretty easily got a job as a lab tech out of undergrad because I did research for course credit in undergrad and had a bunch of specific skills that

yum! I am not as picky - any butter/parsley/salt concoction is fine by me. Granted, I've also been under a French red wine buzz every time I've eaten these guys, so I'm not too reliable.

the parsley sauce is pretty common, no? I've had it with the sauce on the side as well so the escargot were served undressed in those cool indentation plates, maybe that's why you're upset?