It's like non-seafood version of shrimp. The best part is the buttery parsley sauce that you dip with bread, it's amazing.
It's like non-seafood version of shrimp. The best part is the buttery parsley sauce that you dip with bread, it's amazing.
I have the exact same escargot photo from our 2010 honeymoon in Paris. It is one of the few things on this melange of try-hard photos that I recognize, and now I want them for lunch :(
You know, ever since I read this during breakfast this morning I've been checking the HFCS content in what I am eating today - salad ingredients including pre-made dressing and candied pecans, fage yogurt w strawberry side-carriage, just made melted cheese on sourdough in toaster - and imagine my relief when, other…
your son sounds adorable :)
I'm your age, no kids but we plan to start trying in a couple years, and my friends are just now starting to get pregnant/have toddlers. I finally feel like I want a kid, after finishing grad school, being married for 3 years, having a solid downpayment in our bank account, and feeling like I have the patience and…
If you catch me on a bad day, I'll say some effed up stuff about my career choices: I left a "real", decent-paying job to get a PhD in Science 8 years ago, and sometimes my life is frustrating or depressing or I feel taken advantage of or hopeless. That doesn't mean that those are my permanent feelings, or that on the…
I have a theory about the fact that many women who are from or are first generation [insert culture] don't like dating men from their country/culture compared to men from any other background because when you date outside your culture, both parties are forced to re-examine their own cultural history and intentionally…
I'll tell you exactly why *I* don't like Frozen: I reject the premise. If love is the feeling that will unfreeze everything, why was the freezing a problem in the first place? Didn't she love her sister during their childhood and adolescence? Furthermore, why was she locked in a room rather during childhood than…
Dude, you are (assuming) writing your dissertation, it is understandable that you're down in the dumps. There's a lot you can do with a science PhD - teach at a CC or as a lecturer, work in industry, consulting - and if you're still interested in research a couple years of postdoc can help you even more, don't…
I am so 100% with you. Every time we do something lazy or irresponsible with our money or whatever, one of my first thoughts is "we could never do this if we had kids!" My husband says I sometimes see having kids as a death sentence, which I sort of do with regards to my freedom, but my Cool Mom and Cool Dad friends…
Um that's kind of the point? A woman's child-rearing years are also the same years in which high-achievers build their careers, and when added to the misogyny and systemic prejudice present in the working world we end up with, what, 5% of women as CEOs or whatever the statistic is. Same with female law partners,…
I guess that's more of a personal choice? My (at the time VP) Dad coached our soccer team and then went back to the office after dinner - and made enough so that my mom could stay at home. My point is that, especially these days with more work-from-home flexibility, if you're in a position of career security and some…
I could see a 1st year law student or medical student or PhD student knowing she had a long road ahead of her and freezing her eggs in her 20s, to retrieve them in her late 30s when her family and career was in a better position to raise children. I briefly considered it myself, in my 20s, when I was a single grad…
I hear you - at 25, I didn't even want kids and saw marriage as a "maybe when I'm old" scenario. At 32, I am happily married and want kids eventually, but I won't feel financially or personally ready for a couple of years still. My mother, who had me at 26, says that she wished she had waited a decade - she said she…
Yup. I look better with makeup, but I'm lazy plus I rub my eyes all the time so I don't even bother with it on a regular day. It sucks though when I go through a "put-together" phase and wear more often then usual for a few days, and then one day I don't - and look in the mirror and think "I'M HIDEOUS!!!!"
Why is that hard to believe? My husband would LOVE to be a SAHD, and if I were ever to make enough money on my own to make that happen we would do it in a heartbeat.
Or, you make enough money for your partner to stay home with the kids. Happened to a friend of mine, she just made partner at her law firm, is now pregs with the expectation that her husband will be a SAHD. Mind blowing!
My husband is an immigrant from a country where the default is the grandparents provide childcare. We were talking about when we'd be financially ready to have kids, and I brought up daycare (it goes up to 2K/mo here) and he got this blank look on his face - he had never even considered that would be an issue! Thank…
I feel like the Fertility Fear is just the latest form of guilting women. It's like 30 is pushing it and 35 is some kind of death cliff; I can't tell you how many of my early 30-something friends were shocked that they got pregnant so "quickly" (within 3 months). I read somewhere (reputable, but I don't remember…
Yeah, it does, although sometimes it's more of a loan. If you can afford it and your kids aren't assholes, why not? We are saving up right now, and my inlaws said that once we get to $X, they'd chip in $Y - we are really grateful, and hope to pay it back eventually.