
My husband was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD in grad school (He went to the counseling center so he could work on his procrastinating, it snowballed). First, he was prescribed ritalin, which made him aggressive and irrationally angry, so he switched to adderall. Even though at first he was super productive, working through

The point is HDL was seen for years as an "equal" metric to LDL (which has been shown to be causal, both genetically and pharmacologically), but it is not. LDL is an actionable item on a lipid panel; if it's high, and you can lower it through whatever method, that can translate to lower MI risk. If HDL were upstream

Not at all - it means *something*, we just don't think it's causal anymore. HDL and cardiovascular disease are correlated, so your high HDL might indicate some level of protection, but targeting HDL levels as a way to reduce the risk is not currently thought to be useful. It's like if you look outside and it's raining

It's been established that HDL and MIs are correlated, but recent studies show the relationship is not causal:

You're totally right. Obesity and weight-related health is such a tricky issue, because appearance is so wrapped up in our society's definition of worth - and it absolutely should not be. We don't need a bunch of assholes who are obsessed with appearance and weight and are insecure to the extent of trying to push

I agree with you 100%. I'm pointing out that if one of the "strangers" mentioned by the OP is a well-intentioned health professional, it's their job to worry about our health. Think of all the unhealthy shit people of yore would do to their bodies - smoking being an obvious one, but there are more - and what would

I think that while the majority of people unfortunately "hide their disgust at fat people as concern for health", the public health of the US is an important issue for those who are professionals in the field to address and shouldn't be ignored. Education and genuine concern should not be mixed with prejudice and

As a side note to your side note, as a cardiovascular geneticist it bugs me that so much weight (ha ha) is placed on cholesterol as some end-all-be-all of general health. HDL has recently been shown to not be causal to heart disease at all, and LDL reflects only one piece of the atherosclerosis puzzle.

Your statement "being thin and unhealthy is just as bad, early death-wise, as being fat and unhealthy" contradicts your earlier interpretation that "the following groups of people are likely heading toward health problems and early death down the line: Those who qualify as "obese," even if their metabolic stats are

Occasionally you can find deals in the crevices of the sale room, but usually their sales are pretty weak.

Since when does "many" mean some dude named Paul Campos who is trying to sell books? The rise of obesity in the US is a well-established public health phenomenon in the scientific and medical fields, with plenty of peer-reviewed articles and reports on the matter. This is not something that is seriously up for debate

Dude, you're asking people to buy you shit and spend their weekend afternoon watching you open gifts, the least you can do is give them a glass of franzia FFS

I've been to a few co-ed showers like the "adult" parties you describe, no games, good good and booze, which went fine unless/until gift opening started. Let's be real, everyone gets dreads the gift opening (even the people receiving the gifts, see me during my bridal shower), but while us wimmin have been socialized

Am I the only one that thinks the japanese link is a bit...derelicte?

Agnostic person of non-christian background agrees. It's about drinking, eating, and presents to kiddos, and everyone being nice to each other.

My first crushes were teenage Simba from the Lion King and Kit from Talespin.

YES - I wear a 4/6/8 depending on garment, brand, and season, and the photo on the left is more or less what I look like in a bikini (when I'm in shape). It feels great to see such a beautiful woman who I can directly relate to.

I am not a regular Facebook user, so I had no idea pregnancy announcements were A Thing. I thought you just told people whenever you ran into them after the 12 week mark.

That. is. amazing. What was his/her costume???

Everyone has the same number of minutes in the day, they just have different priorities on how to allocate that time. I get that for you, cooking is a top priority, that's totally fine, but it's narrow-minded to assume that everyone who does not cook is a selfish parent.