
But why is it morally superior to boil pasta water compared to ordering a pizza? The key is to communicate with your family, and let them know that they are important to you. I say this as the daughter of a SAHM who always cooked for us; I would wish she would just chill on the couch with me and make eye contact while

You can still eat dinner together as a family and sit around the table, even if it's takeout! Just bring the takeout to the table, and pretend it was cooked in the kitchen. I don't really understand why takeout/non homecooked food is synonymous with a lack of family time.

If both parents work, you might prefer spending that 30 minutes connecting with your kids, helping with homework or just talking about their day, rather than "whipping up" some stir fry while they sit hypnotized in front of the TV. Kind of an assholish thing to accuse two-parent-working families of being selfish

Okay, that makes sense. In hindsight, it seems obvious that this article would devolve into what is has in the comments - Lena Dunham posts are always a shitshow.

I can kind of see where you're coming from. My mom sacrificed her career to be a SAHM, and she is so sensitive to *any* life decision I make that would even remotely affect my career. She lobbies against me having children "young" (I'm 32!) and is always grilling me about who does which chores in the house (I tell her

I wish they would go back to focusing on all the crazy scandals and how they are covered up, rather than the cringe-worthy "love affair". That stupid scene in the bunker a couple weeks ago was the last straw, can't watch anymore.

Seriously, we should start a CDAN-style blind items gossip blog on asshole PIs!

Yeah, some of those super hard (hah, that's what my CS husband and my LS self call "real" science like physics and math!) sciences are still very male-dominated. I have so much respect for women like you who stay and fight, you should feel proud of yourself. Reporting him was a tiny chip in the armor; eventually

It is disgusting how PIs take advantage of foreigners, particularly postdocs. At both of the universities I've been with, there have recently been postdoc unions formed to protect their rights, which is great but still not perfect. Plus, they are not eligible for many publicly-funded training grants, which makes it

WHAT this guy is unbelievable. I would read the shit out of a devil wears prada type expose.

Oh. My. god. This is horrible. I just completed my PhD a year ago, and am now a postdoc at a different school, and frankly I cannot even imagine this happening at either of my universities (one public, the other private). During my first year rotations one of my graduate "mentors" in the lab I was rotating in

I've met very few Dr women (PhD or MD) who have changed their name professionally after marriage. Most of them go by both names socially/casually/legally. I'm mostly Dr.maiden name, but I'll get wedding invitations and birthday cards to Mrs. husbands name. It's just something that happened naturally, I don't mind at

I'm late to this thread, but I just wanted to point out that while shorter 9-5 retail hours may be better for employees, it makes it more difficult for families where both partners work full time - and guess which gender usually "gets" to sacrifice their career in order to get chores and errands done during their

Every cell needs carbs and sugar to survive. It's called metabolism. Cancerous tumors are the result of genetic mutations.

It's also that some people photograph a bit differently than they look IRL. I might just be disgustingly non-photogenic, but there will be times when I am naked-faced and look in the mirror and think I look good, but the photos tell a different story. There are also times - mostly weddings - where I'll look too

I think there is a separation between that editor's behavior towards Dr Lee and them asking her to contribute to their site. Academics are always being solicited to do "free" stuff; in fact it increases the more prestigious and well-known you are. I'm a postdoc and we get emails all the time to "volunteer" to do stuff

All I could think the entire time I was reading this was, shit hopefully there will be more sophisticated parental controls for the internet by the time I have kids...

Yeah, I did a lot of soul searching after my breakup with my previous LTR (5 years) and when I fell in love with my current husband. I used to think "marriage is outdated! It's just a piece of paper! It's anti-feminist!", but I realized that my relationship with my now-husband was just *different* compared to the one

I personally did not do any of those things (expensive wedding, name change, accounts were already merged) - what I *did* do was make a conscious decision with intent to commit to my partner, and pledged in front of his family and loved ones that I would honor him as my partner for the rest of our lives. To us, this

All breakups are painful, but for many people marriages represent more than "just a license". You explicitly state your intent to form a permanent new family in front of your community, and if you are religious, in front of your god. For some this may not be meaningful, but for many this is a significant difference