Yetta Styles

I hope she has to curtsy to Meghan once she’s married to Harry.

She knew exactly what the fuck she was doing.

What did she do after, therapy for years, leave the country, become a spider hunter?


To me this really says “Naomi from Showgirls” but in the best way.

Same. I feel like Bobby may have been body-snatched.

What a coincidence! I too happen to love quesadillas and am very serious about them!

Chelsea Handler said she was at a house party where Harry Styles was just making everyone quesadillas. He is apparently very serious about his quesadillas.

Now playing

Of course Harry let desserts be destroyed, the only food he cares about is poutine!

Floral suits. Puppies. Sugary desserts. Harry Styles.

Yeah, the whole heroin addict-rock star thing works out fine for their audiences, not so much for their kids. I imagine she had to do a lot of work to come to grips with his “legendary awesomeness” vs. her childhood’s reality. I say this as a huge Nirvana fan and as an addiction therapist.

I’m of the view there’s no appropriate time to release a film like this and maybe we can stop making films that pedal the fantasy that any teenage girl would be interested in gross older guys altogether. The fantasy is entirely ONE-SIDED.

Gee whiz, have you even listened to 1989? I get why you’d find some of it annoying, particularly in the context of her public persona, but some of it is just really good, solid pop music about feelings and relationships. It’s one thing to write off superfans, but just people who like her songs? Ugh, I don’t trust or

She was also visibly strung out and intoxicated during that whole event, in retrospect that’s probably why she didn’t think to stop from making that statement which most would consider career suicide.

Only move to potentially salvage Marchesa. Makes sense.

One year? ONE BLOODY YEAR? For kidnapping and sexually assaulting a minor? He’d have gotten a harsher sentence for possession of a joint! ONE YEAR???

Stabbing our collective souls today.