I was scared at first but let out a relieved sigh!
I was scared at first but let out a relieved sigh!
So good. I’m obsessed with all the amazons and wearing a Themyscira shirt rn :)
She’s still a fucking queen tho.
make it stop
Kristen Stewart was the female protagonist in a number of very big movies and has been in movies since she was like 10 so I’d say she’s definitely a thing, whether you like it or not. She also won a César lol.
these two very rich and very famous women are doing just fine lol
On top of substance and attitude issues, I think her voice is just gone. She was perfect tho.
I don’t think so?
Nahh Jez has been a little “off” for the last couple of weeks/months.
Chris Evans is the best Hollywood Chris. Will die on this hill.
On the one hand, Leo seems SO douchey but his friendship with Kate is so, so endearing. I’m a sucker for real Hollywood friendships (see also: Sir Ian and Sir Patrick).
I still like him as an actor but I feel like the fame and money really went to his head (sort of understandable considering his remarkable career). The Pussy Posse thing was sort of funny when he was younger but now it’s getting sad.
He also apparently called Bella Hadid “flabby” and made fun of her (along with his very respectful Pussy Posse) and other models/women (waitresses for example) for being high end escorts and/or ugly. Real classy. He regularly “trades in” his current model for a (even) younger version. Even if everyone involved is an…
a brunette she is not
yeah, same
Yeah that’s dark blonde.
Wow so brave
I never got the Bill Murray hype tbh. He’s been in a lot of good stuff but eh. He seems a little...off.
She’s annoying at times (who isn’t tho) but she handled this like a MOTHERFUCKIN’ CHAMP. “My ass is in the back of my body” is the best thing I’ve heard all year.