
Amazing how the news channels and nightly news shows are putting shit on a platter and pretending that the people who ran, applauded, laughed about, and expanded a campaign built exclusively on hating non-whites, including dead war heroes should now be patted on the back for a job well done by reporters who only want

This is why Trump won. We got tired of people like this calling us dumb so we decided to show them how dumb we really are.

I hate the Spurs, but Pop has good takes...

“One player who has been particularly fun is second-year forward Julius Randle”

Damnit. It may be time to give serious consideration to moving to the islands. When a considerable number of the citizens of the country where I was born, and love, set aside time in their day to watch and listen to what Skip Bayless is selling, it might be a sign to shag ass south.

This whole time we assumed IF there was one personality ESPN needed more than the other way around it was Bill Simmons. Turns out it’s actually Skip Bayless.

A real coal miner wouldn’t have voted to destroy unions.

If people admit that they tacitly supported racism, sexism, xenophobia, religious bigotry, and utterly incomplete policy positions, then, yeah, those people took it seriously. KKK members saw at least a candidate willing to invoke white supremacy for gain, and they voted seriously. If you are not a racist, sexist,

Oh yes, voting for the narcissist, the racist, the bigot, the xenophobe, the multi-time unfaithful husband, the failed businessman (repeatedly), the sexual assaulter is taking the election seriously.

Since the commentariat has thoroughly handed you your ass, I don’t have much to say other than, yeah, why not check back with us in a year and see how much greater your life has actually gotten.

I took it seriously.

But it being California, there are eleventy million propositions to vote on. Hell, one of them is to repeal the death penalty - something I would expect him to support, considering the racial bias in its application.

Whats he protesting again? Winning football games?

I think Trump cares about police shootings. He just thinks there aren’t enough.

Quite honestly unless he himself admits it I still can’t believe Belichick wrote those exact words. That sounds like Trump almost to a tee.

As a Pats’ fan, I hate that anyone on the New England Patriots might support this hate-fueled, orange demagogue, but then I remember that most owners and coaches of sports franchises are horrible, horrible assholes. Except you, Cuban. You’re all right.

OOh you don’t like anyone. How edge.

As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.

You’re an idiot. Newton’s gotten hit like that a ton of times - and not gotten penalties called. He’s not griping about getting hit, he’s griping about illegal hits on him not getting penalized. It’s a legitimate gripe.

The rules have changed since when Tom Brady started his career. Come to think of it, the hit that got Newton fired up is similar to the one that knocked Brady out for the entire 2008 season. All Newton did was demand that the current rules be enforced for him.