
Figuratively, and kinda literally, too.

Agree 100%

I had the same thought about the song. Where do you hear or learn shit like that? The obvious answers are either family (gross) or that they went looking for it on the internet (somehow even more disturbing).

Um. This was rape. Nothing any lawyer says can make that not true, it is clear cut. Secondly, of course it was racially motivated, because who the fuck knows what a “Ku Klux Klan” song is? Third, yes, he was targeted for being “vulnerable” and that vulnerability is intersectional: he is both black and disabled. Black

Why shouldn’t he be subject to the consequences of a sex offender when he is a fucking sex offender? Wow it’s so painfully obvious that white men and boys are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want.

Not half as much of a dick as his dickhead son, Adolf.

What about the gold-foil variant covers? What about the 20 copies of Rob Liefeld’s “Youngblood”? Must-have classics!

Poor Mr. and Mrs. Hitler.

Or, pushing said racist out of your womb and endocrinating him with bullshit racism, and now lying about having not done it.

Truly it makes one anaspeptic and frasmotic!

They can’t secede now, they have to get Trumples to Build The Wall on the dime of Blue State economies. They’re too busy poking at hornytoads with sticks while waiting for their gubbermint checks.

Certain movies will never allow me to take that phrase seriously. Not that I take much seriously to begin with.

“I’ve waited long enough already,”

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

“wasn’t in the spirit of the buyback.”

Because poor women make lawmakers feel better about themselves. Lawmakers can look at poor women and blame all negative circumstances and outcomes on those women and not the system that failed. Lawmakers get to pat themselves on the back for doing nothing to help.

It’s not just lawmakers. U.S. society hates poor people, period.

Why do so many lawmakers hate poor women?

I’d like to move to officially cut Texas from states receiving financial support from Blue states propping up their redneck asses. Get some straps on those cowboy boots, Billy Jim Bob Ray Cletus Junior.